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"Give me one good reason Charles" Erik said furiously.

"I don't want to do this Erik. Please don't make me get into your head." He responded.

"Charles. She came into my home and used me. She deserves to be punished." He pushed harder into your neck.

"Please." You gasped out.

"You don't get to talk."

"Erik. I'm begging you. Don't do this."

"Too late." Erik said but before he could do anything he dropped his arms and took off your metal clasps.

You fell to the ground gasping for air.

You looked up at Charles and he has his fingers at him temple as he focused on a seemingly uninhabited Erik.

Charles turned his head to look at you.,"Leave. Now."

You nodded and ran to your car before speeding off.

You pulled over at the nearest gas station to calm down and catch your breath.

You've never seen something like that before.

What was Charles doing to him? You needed answers and you needed them now.

You drove to Charles' house to wait for him to get home.

You picked his lock to get inside. You walked into the kitchen to see a nerdy brown haired boy with glasses.

"How did you get in here?" He asked.

"Oh I apologize. I'm Luna. Charles' girlfriend I don't know if he told you about me. Me and him were out shopping he had something to do so he gave me his house key." You said flashing your house key before putting it back into your bag. "We're having dinner tonight, I figured I'd get started."

"I'm Hank. Um Charles told me you two were through. He didn't give me the details I didn't want to pry." He explained.

You sat on the bar stool swinging your legs daintily,"We were through until this morning. I begged him back and luckily he forgave me.
Such a great guy isn't he? " You decided to do a little searching. You placed your hands on the counter before standing up,"Excuse me I'd like to clean up before I start dinner."

"No problem I was actually about to run to the store for a second. Do you need anything?"
"Maybe a bottle of wine?"
"What kind?" He asked
"Surprise me." You said with a smile.

He began to walk away and you rolled your eyes and walked around for a bit.

You found what appeared to be a basement so you opened the door and walked downstairs.
You saw a long hallway and walked down to the end of it.

You opened the door to reveal a strange device in the middle of the room on a sort of bridge thing. You walked over and observed it but made no sense of it so you decided to leave.

You want back up the stairs and made dinner.

Once Hank came back you opened the wine and sat and talked with him until Charles came.

"Hank?" He called out.

"In the kitchen." He replied.

Charles froze when he saw you.

"Luna." He paused a little shocked," Hank can we have the room?"

Hank stood up,"Of course." He smiled at you and walked away.

"Nice boy." You commented taking another sip of your wine.

"What are you doing here?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"Having dinner. Don't be silly. You invited me after all." You placed a plate in front of him,"Or at least that's what I told Hank."

"Don't bring him into your mess." He demanded.

"What did you do to Erik?" You asked.

"Better question, why were you at his house?"

"I told you need money. Stop going in circles. Whatever, doesn't matter." You shrugged," Aren't you gonna eat?"

He looked at the food cautiously, got up and threw it and the plate in the trash.

"Well how rude. You owe me an apology. Better yet just tell me what you were doing to Erik and I'll call it even."

"You don't deserve to know." He barked out.

You rolled your eyes,"So dramatic, no worries. I'll find out from someone else."

You stood up and began to leave before you turned around and came back and grabbed the bottle of wine.

"Thank Hank for me." You raised up the bottle,"He has great taste."

You dreaded going home, you knew that man would be there waiting for you.

A/N hope you like! Vote, comment, share, message and follow. Thank you lovelies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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