Friends Stick Together

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"I'll bet I'll beat you this time. You tired yet?" Lucas asked me.

Lucas is my best friend and always has been for 5 years. We became besties when he saved me from being bullied. I was beaten and had scratch bruises on my leg. Lucas helped me out on that one. We'd always come and practice our dance moves every Wednesday by looking at the TV screens that are shown at one of Booyah Base's most famous stores just for the fun of it.

"You sure? Think again!" I beamed. I tried one of my special moves called "The Kraken".

All of the television programs shut off in an instant. Lucas and I were shocked yet disappointed at the same time.

"Are you kidding me right now? What're we supposed to do now? I have to find something that'll help keep me busy for the summer." I said.


Lucas pulled out his phone to see that someone texted him. "Well I need to go pick up Riley from her turf session."

"........A turf session?" I asked.

"Um...yeah. You don't know about it do you? I'll have Riley explain it to you. Now follow me."

"Where are you taking me?"

"To the Battle Lobby. It's the place where squid kids from around the world come and battle."
At the Lobby

There weren't many squid kids around at this time. It is sunset, so it is about to close. I heard a cheery voice.

"Hi you guys!" Riley shouted. Riley had turquoise and pink ink on her clothes. Even her hat was filled with color. " biggy! I'll just get another one."

"Hey Riley!" Me and Lucas said at the same time.

"So you guys plan on joining the turf squadron? That tough are ya?" Riley asked.

Lucas answered. "I'm so tough I ate a bowl of Lucky Charms...without the marshmallows."

"Alright, Lucas you're in. What about you, Mindy?"

I blinked without saying a single word. I thought about the many jokes I've heard in my life. "Well you know how people say don't drink and drive? Well let's just say that I'm so tough that I had the guts to go out with a tricycle and a juice box."

We all laughed. Our jokes are what mostly brought up our friendship.

"Riley?" I asked her.

"Yeah, Mindy Windy?"

"What exactly is this place? Everything looks so colorful."

"What is this place?" Riley giggled. "Well this is the place where you will be studying the main course of turf wars. Welcome to the Inkopolis Battle Lobby or I.B.L. for short. You will be battling against many squid kids around the world. Of course I will be with you guys too."

Riley's phone started to ring. Her ringtone was one of the Squid Sister's songs. The Squid Sisters are the most famous squid teens in the inkling world.

"Hey mom! need Lucas?" Riley asked looking at Lucas."Uh...sure thing...bye!" Riley said hanging up."Lucas, mom needs you. She needed to talk to you about something important."

"Alright. I'll be back you guys!" Lucas said running out of the Lobby. Riley looked at me and smiled.

"And you, my friend are gonna get started on training." Riley said picking up a splat charger.
Well what did you guys think of this chapter? I'm so sorry that I deleted the first book of this story(my fault). I changed a lot so the story would make better sense. I remember the number of reads there were....101 reads. Thx you guys! I'll update soon!

Read, comment, vote and enjoy!

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