Chapter 9: World of Christ

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" Tina. We need to prepare for the big concert tomorrow at World of Christ. This is another show that's gonna make your career better, so it has to be flawless for your career to elevate and evolve even more in the coming years without us. But for this concert, you're gonna have to look the part too." Mom said. " What am I gonna look like?" Tina asked. " You're gonna look like a queen who sits on top of her throne," Mom says. " But you can't smile or laugh because the queen that sits on this throne has to look fierce and serious for the entire duration of the performance for the audience to get the image of a toned-down diva or queen if you'd like to be called that, who has lots of attitudes and shows a side of herself that no one gets to see backstage because of how well you hide it during your busy rehearsals but people are gonna have to see that crazy side of you during this performance," Dad said. " I know. I'm under lots of pressure because the backup dancers need to learn the routine, I need to try different outfits that might fit and I have to remember the lyrics to all of my songs in 30 seconds or 2 minutes during the intermission when no one's at the stage except the production crew before I go back out there to perform my next set of songs from my second hit album." Tina said. " And you need to remember the lyrics and the steps for every song before you go out onstage and perform," Mom says. " I know, Mom. I'm gonna do my best performance that anyone can see, with maximum effort and lots of preparation from the crew." Tina said. " You've got 48 hours until the main performance, where you're not opening up for anyone because you're gonna be the main act that captures the audience from beginning to end without stopping or having any issues once you step onstage." Mom said.
" World of Christ is a big achievement for you. Not a lot of people get to perform here at your age and with your talent, so you need to bring it up a notch with how serious you are and the music that goes with the performance." Mom said. " We've gotta get multiple props, dancers, and stage lights onstage within 48 hours before you're on stage, or else this performance won't happen," Dad said. " Plus, you need to do a dress rehearsal and go over choreography with the backup dancers," Mom says. " Please stop stressing me out. You guys know that I'm gonna kill this performance like I did with every other performance that leads up to Universal World." Tina says. " We have to protect you from things that might happen during the important performance like the lights going out in the middle of the performance or the music stopping mid-show or the dancers stopping dancing when the music hasn't stopped," Dad says.
" Alright, Tina, time for the first dress rehearsal with the outfits. Let's get you into the dressing room." Mom says. In the dressing room, 3 sparkly outfits are in front of Tina. " The first outfit is a blue dress with sequins. The second outfit has stars on it, and the third one has a beachside vibe with all the bright colors." Sasin, one of Tina's wardrobe artists, says. " The third one goes well with the theme of the performance. That's the one that we're gonna take." Mom said. Later that afternoon, Tina, Mom, and Dad are choosing the music set list that's gonna play during the performance.
" These songs are great. People are gonna love them because they're upbeat and it's perfect for Christians to listen to, which is the purpose of the concert, besides you doing what you were put on Earth to do: perform for people." Mom says. " I'm gonna open up for Mr. Danny. He's the first act before Unspoken, followed by Building 429. But I'm gonna have to entertain the crowd for 40 minutes before the main act arrives onstage. That shouldn't be too hard since I have some form of experience opening up for the most famous artists in Christian music history, like Tauren Wells, Riley Clemmons, Finding Favor, etc. So this make-or-break concert moment should be a breeze." Tina says. " You better be on your A-Game or else, you can't continue to do what you're born to do, which is make music," Mom says. " I'm gonna be so good. You've gotta wait, watch, and see what's gonna happen tomorrow." Tina says. The next night, the stage is set and illuminated with binding, and fluorescent lights, and the screen counts down from 10 seconds to 1 second to get Tina and the background dancers onstage. Then, Tina comes out on a high-end throne, looking like a mad princess who demands respect from her subjects. Then, she comes down from the throne, takes off her velvet jacket, and starts singing her amazing songs while the crowd goes wild and erupts in praise. After the show, Tina comes backstage as a lot of hidden suspense builds up while she waits for her mother's positive or negative approval of her performance." Honey. I think you did... an amazing job! I mean, you kept the audience focused on you, and your crew interacted with them nicely. Good job, guys." Mom said. " Wow... I didn't expect you to say that. But I'm really glad that you said that because it makes me wanna work even harder than I did yesterday." Tina said. " Of course. Your motivation is gonna be all of your past shows and all of the energy that you're gonna need for your future shows." Mom says. " The shows are a way to make money and do what I love at the same time," Tina says. " These performances are how you stay in shape on stage, but offstage precision is key to a healthy body, which is the most important part of being a superstar," Mom says. " Superstars go through lots of struggles to get to where they are now. So don't think that you're exempt from struggling before you become this famous superstar that everyone notices in the supermarket, library, and everywhere else... which adds to the huge crowd that follows you on social media and in reality." Dad says. " I know that I'm not exempt from struggles, so I'm gonna accept those and use them to make me a better person," Tina says. " Good job... that's the main thing that you need to do as a person, not just a superstar," Dad said, patting Tina on the back. " You're gonna be preparing for Universal World on Thursday, so we've got lots to do tonight... learning choreography, getting dancers, and getting props to the stage... those are the main things that are gonna happen... so that's why we've scheduled a preparation week... to get things done before you perform at Universal World because the last thing that we need is for you to get onstage, and lots of bad things happen the moment you step on-stage." Mom said. " All of these performances are leading us to Universal... the biggest performance of your life that's gonna show you how well you've improved since your first performance at Sky Beach," Dad said. " I remember that one... the cube broke and shattered into pieces and we almost had to cancel it... but luckily, one of your stage managers was crafty and quick-witted so she fixed the cube just in time for an onstage rehearsal." Tina said, laughing at the past situation that involved the unfixed cube breaking and her falling in a seat from the sky to the ground from 200 feet and hurting her ankle so badly that she had to walk around in a painful ankle brace that never matched with her gorgeous outfits and shoes that are from designer stores only because of how rich she is and how much money she spends on certain things like food, clothes, and accessories for her expensive concert outfits and stage makeup that makes her facial hair more expressive when the lights are on and she's sweating.
" Tomorrow you're gonna be preparing for Universal World, so we need to pack up, head to the hotel, and rest up because this is gonna be the biggest event of your life." Mom said.

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