The Villainess

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*Do not misinterpret this as man-hating, but along the idea that women are made more vulnerable by society, and when they DO fight back they are told they are too emotional and hating on men



Abigail Parsons has been whipped around,

thrown beneath trucks, and eventually

stuffed cold into sewer grates.

Enslaved, beaten, and raped,

she would be the villain of the century

Her partner cheated on her

(With her best friend)

Her step-guardian chewed

Abigail into the ground

And every female friend of hers

Boils with envy

Has turned into an enemy

And stolen her life away

And everyone waits

They pushed her and shoved

They used her up

Until she's dry and done

They took away her salary

They suppressed her into

What might be a child-like mentality

They stuff her into bows and dresses

Until she doesn't know why she stresses

Belly-full and glutinous

They took away the right to her own uterus

Never the main character in a story

She's just there to uphold the man's glory

Who ever needed childcare?

The darkness was always her evil lair

The government ignored her

While her family was murdered

By a century-long suppression

And assimilative selection

Abigail watched through a smudged window

As the rebellion marched through the streets

Screaming for justice down below

A stop to the misogynistic deceit

And when she was slapped and kicked

Pelted witch rocks

She never threw back a brick

Or gave a flying f**k

Though she never screamed

If she ever heard one

She'd be right there in front

To help those who needed

A warm hug

Abigail Parsons

That wasn't always her name

Neither were the thousand others

Who never tried to play man's game


To Learn More

Trustworthy Articles: Go to comment section for URLs

For The Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women

For Sexism Towards Men

For Girls' Access to Education

For Global Violence Against Queer Women & Non-Binary People


"Talking Back" by bell hooks

"Feminism is For Everybody" by bell hooks

"The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan 

"She is Fierce: Brave, Bold and Beautiful Poems by Women" by Margaret Atwood

"The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood

"The Colour Purple" by Alice Walker

"I Am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai, co-written with Christina Lamb

Feel free to drop your own articles & books in the comments section! 

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