153 11 14

(TW: blood, death, murder)


It's a summer rainy day, typical for the end of the summer. I particularly hate them. Something about those gray clouds is sad, melancholic, strange. When I was younger, I used to be afraid on days like this. I always felt like something bad would happen and that was why the sky was crying.    

But now they just make me upset because there's never much to do in OBX when it's raining. And that's why almost everybody goes to Chapel Hill, there are malls, theaters, museums and a lot of indoor activities.  

Me and Kiara are no different. Since 9th grade, we have this tradition to go to the mall on summer rainy days to shop and get ice cream. And today, the day is perfect for shopping, so I called Kie earlier and we decided to go this afternoon.

Right now, I'm home alone. Mom went for her morning walk on the beach, which is quite strange given the weather, but to be honest, she's the biggest beach lover there is. And Rafe is at my dad's house. I haven't seen him for 2 weekends now, and honestly I don't care. He's been an asshole to me lately, so the further the better, right?

The music is loud. ABBA and dancing in my messy room sets my whole mood this summer. As I dance in my closet I try to choose an outfit for today. Kiara is coming to pick me up in an hour, so I better hurry because I don't want to be late.

After trying on almost everything I own, I decide to wear a short pink dress, some sneakers and my jeans jacket, which I left in my car last night.

I finish my light makeup while singing "Mamma Mia". When I'm done I go outside to get the jacket in the back of the car. But before I make my way back to the house, I hear a scream coming from the beach. The sound of it makes me shiver.

I look back and Rafe comes running in my direction, blood in his hands, but he didn't look hurt.

"Rafe? What happened? What are you doing here?" -I ask, confused, as he approaches me. For some reason, he can't look at me in the eye, and that scares me to death – "Rafe what the fuck is going on?"- I yell terrified.

"uhm, its uh.." – he stumbles over his word – "its.. its mom."– he finally manages to say, and a single tear escapes from his eyes.

I panic. I can't seem to make sense of what he is actually saying. My heart races and a thousand thoughts start crossing my mind, each and every one of them makes me panic even more.

  "Mom? what hap.. where is she? Are.. are you bleeding?" – I ask desperately.

He doesn't answer any of my questions. He just stands there. I try to bring his attention to me, but he looks shocked. Almost.. paralyzed.

I stop for a minute, my brain trying to connect the dots.

Mom. Blood. Beach. Tear. Shock. NO!

I run to the direction where my brother came from, not taking long to reach the sand.

I look around. And what I encounter is my worst nightmare.

I see her. Lying on the floor, bleeding out in the sand.


I run towards her and knee down to her side.

"mom, mom I'm here."- I say grabbing her hand as I notice the bullet wound in her lower stomach. She follows my voice and her eyes meet mine.

The sound of the ocean and the smell of wet sand mixed with salty water. The waves crashing and my heart breaking along with each one of them. Raindrops falling in my head, the cold pouring rain running down my skin. My pink dress, now stained with red. The black clouds approach us slowly as if they were coming for me.

"hey, hey."- I breath harder every second. – "HELP. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP." - I scream until I loose my breath.

By the amount of blood around her, I know it's been some minutes since the incident. Her light blonde hair now messed with blood and sand, and her eyes full of water staring at me, as if she wanted to say so many things but she was carefully choosing the words because she knew time was running out.

"S... Sa...Sarah"- she says struggling

"I'm here mom, it's alright. Just... just stay with me."

She blinks slowly and looks at me, her glossy brown eyes seemed more and more distant, but I could feel she was still there.

"baby.. i .. I love you" -she whispers as tears roll down her pale face.

I stroke her hair back while holding her hand tightly, trying to hold her here with me, holding her back so she won't go anywhere.

"I love you too mom" - I say, now, sobbing- "please don't leave me." -I beg.

Her breath slows at every minute, I scream for help, but no one comes, no one can her me. I don't know what to do.

I watch as her eyes start shutting and her hands stop shaking. She's going, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

"Mom?? Hey mom, stay here." -I say, shaking her body, my effort is useless because she doesn't seem to move. – "no, mom."

Her breathing stops, and her skin starts turning a bit dark. I shake her as I sob. I put my hand in her chest trying to spot any heartbeat. Nothing.

"NO, MOM?? MOM PLEASE, NOOO!" - I scream, crying desperately, trying to wake her up, trying anything that may keep her alive. I try to save her as if my life depended on it, actually it did.

I acknowledge some movement around the beach, and the sound of sirens are every second more present. But I can't take my eyes off of her, still trying and begging for her to stay. Please, stay.

I keep trying to reanimate her, but it's worthless. Until someone pulls me from behind, taking me away from her.


"It's okay, baby. The doctors will take care of her." -says the man holding me back, whom I notice to be my dad.

"LET ME GO!" - I yell, fighting back, which is useless given our strength difference.

"I'm here, it's ok." - he says trying to hug me.

"dad" -I cry. "she's.. she's.." -i feel like I can't breathe, my bloody hands shake and my heart beats as fast as the tears roll down my cheeks. "she's gone."

Everything was now blurry. The beach didn't look the same. There is some dark atmosphere around it now, something more than just dark clouds, something way sadder. I look around while the doctors surround my mother's dead body and small crowd of unknown faces staring at the scene. Multiple voices talking and yelling things that I can't really understand.

I squeeze my eyes shut, allowing more tears to fall, just to make sure this is actually real, praying that it's just a nightmare. And it was in fact a nightmare, one that would haunt me until my last breath. The scene playing over and over in my head, every time taking one more piece of my heart away.

A thunder struck loudly, making everybody jump. The sea goes wild as a wind hits hard, announcing the storm. Maybe I was right, and maybe the sky was about to cry. And just like the clouds, I sob into my dad's arms. Knowing she won't come back, knowing she's already too far gone, and that the only woman who I loved just left me alone. And she took with her all the joy and the light in my life. Leaving me in a dark and lonely room, one that I can't seem to find a way out.

Finally the prologue is out!!
This scene is actually so sad, but it's really important for the story!
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it! Please don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys<3

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