Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV:

She is bored. Bored of the silence in her life.

Even in her parents' divorce followed by her mother's death, there was nothing more than that endless silence standing in the room, in the house, in the world. The feeling of emptiness and the quiet atmosphere walked together around the Camerons' house. The house that everyone once admired was now their biggest fear.

They all acted as if nothing happened, until that became real in their heads. But lies, they don't last long. And eventually, the truth shows up, and the truth, it hurts. Just like it was hurting in the little girl's mind in this very instant.

Almost one year had passed since the murder, and things weren't good. Summer was about to begin, and the party season was arriving. However, none of it seemed to cheer the younger Cameron up.

Sarah decided to skip school. Once again. Getting of the bed was a hard task. For her, it is quite unnecessary. For what is worth waking up, if there's nothing more to live for?

"Sarah you're late for school." - said her dad knocking on the door.

"I'm not going." - she replied rolling her eyes.

"yes you are." - he said - "can I come in?"

"yeah" -she answered allowing her dad to open the door

"Sarah, it is your last day of school." - he said as she finally turns her phone off and looks at him.

"Exactly, I already passed so I don't have to go." - she shrugged

"But you've skipped enough classes Sarah."

"Still, I passed didn't I?" - she asked. It was true. Even skipping a lot of classes, she still had enough grades and presence to pass her exams.

"you need to get off bed, this is unhealthy." -he argued back. For Ward, it wasn't that he wanted her to go to school, he just needed her to do something, other than lock herself in her room.

"whatever, but I'm not going to school." - she says, now sitting on the bed.

"Look, honey, I understand you are going throught a though time okay? But skipping school won't help it. You need to keep going, you can't just park your life." -he says calmly. The speech Sarah heard a thousand times already and almost has it memorized.

"You think going to school will magically make everything better? It's not that simple, Dad. I can't just pretend like everything's okay."- she tries to tell him for the hundredth time this week.

"I'm not asking you to pretend, Sarah. I just want you to take small steps toward healing, and school is one of them. Please, try to understand where I'm coming from."

"But, i don't feel fine there and its just hard for me, can't you please understand where I'm coming from?"

"Sarah, please. Its not your decision to make, ok?"- he said sternly.

"but..."-she starts but he cuts her off.

"you are going"- he said exiting the room, not giving Sarah a choice but to go.

As her dad's words hung in the air, Sarah's mind drifted back to all the classes she had skipped throughout the year. The thought of those empty desks and the freedom she had craved felt all too familiar. Yet, deep down, she knew that her absence from those classrooms wasn't just a rebellious act; it was a manifestation of her overall disengagement from life itself.

She was so tired. Even though all she did was lay in bed the whole day. She quitted every single activity she liked. She withdrawn everything she was ever a part of. And doing that drove her crazy. Deciding whether to stay or leave was one of the hardest choices she had ever made. Unfortunately, she chose leaving, and that brought Sarah one more thing to cry about.

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