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phil scarlett and i ended up doing nothing all day. we just sat in my living room while binging disney movies. it was around 9 pm when i realized i forgot to mention the double date to scarlett.

"hey scar i forgot to tell you something" i said hoping she wouldn't be mad since i didn't let her know earlier

"whats up?" she said while shoving her face with caramel popcorn.

"okay so i texted mason.. or he texted me actually and asked to go out.." you were about to tell her when you were suddenly cut off by your brother phil.

"you're not going." he said while snatching the popcorn out of scarletts hands.

"HEY" scarlett said while trying to take her bag back.

"whatever phil, the ONE time someone is actually interested in me you don't like them?" i said scoffing pretty annoyed since i always helped him out whenever he needed help with relationships.

"it's not that i don't like him. and stop lying you know damn well there is plenty of men that adore you." phil spoke while grabbing his phone.

"still. whatever. i'm going to go." i said knowing he wouldn't reply back to me since he seemed fed up since yesterday

"whatever." my brother said while taking a call on his phone and leaving the living space.

"anyway, mason texted me and asked me if i wanted to go out later today at 10 pm which is in an hour and then I asked him if he could bring ben along y'know?" i said hoping to get a good answer from the brunette girl.

"uh, what do you mean?" she said knowing exactly what i meant.

"i asked him to bring ben along for you. so we all can go. since i figured you didn't ask ben yourself i decided to do it for you." i said confidently that she hadn't actually asked the complicated boy.

"yeah yeah sure. you're right i didn't but did ben agree or is it just you..?" she said probably hoping that i hadn't directly asked ben myself as i am not supposed to know about the two complicated lovers.

"oh my gosh yes i'm sure, i asked mason and he said he will." i said annoyed that she didn't seem like she wanted to even go out with him today.

"okok fine. but where are we going and what do i wear? oh  my god this is going to be my first time going out with him what do i do? what do i say? what do i wear? how do i do my hair? how do i do my make up, do i post on instagram or snap when we're out? what do i order? oh I KNOW just steak and some veggies. i mean i don't wanna seem fat.. salad? no. that seems desperate. what about.." scarlett said as i cut her off mid sentence because she was asking all the stupidly crazy questions as if she's never been on a date before.

"scarlett." i said while holding her face so she could face me.

"it'll be okay, it's not like this is your first date ever unlike me.." i said ashamed to admit that i've really never even had a boyfriend.. i talked to this one boy in middle school for a couple days until he decided to cut me off and date this popular girl.

"it's just ben you both hang out so so much so don't worry it'll be funnnn i promise scar" i said not wanting her to freak out and worry because she's acting like this is her first time meeting the man.

"let's go get ready." she said quickly getting up from the couch and heading to my room where i'm assuming she's getting her clothes since she's here so often she always has a couple clothes lying around my house.

"scar you using my clothes or yours?" i said hoping she'd say hers

"uhm can i borrow yours? if that's okay. all the stuff i have here are kinda.. kinda lame." she said taking a deep breath and opening my closet door.

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