Joshua Aleks
A smart 19 year fresh of High-school and straight into University, he feels accomplished till he is met with te proposal of his life, his dream, his desire to do good...
Wanting to experiment, test, improve, surpass old technological ag...
We were following Lieutenant Chase to our quarters, and we we're having some trouble keeping up since she is way bigger than us... Her walking is us jogging... "Lieutenant Chase..." Xander asked as he jogged faster to be beside her... "Call me Melisa or Missy if you want Xander..." "Alright then... Just what exactly is our duty here? I know we're to repair and adjust, but more specifically are we doing?" "To begin with, you will be mainly working on Aeros such as myself when we are out in the field or here in the base, at times you'll may be transferred from place to place and you may have to separate..." "Bummer..." Oliver said with some sadness... "That's Navy life Olly, I thought you understood that..." Pedro said smugly and Oliver looked pissed at him... "You wanna know something Pepe? You suck..." he replied to Pedro... "QUIT CALLING ME PEPE!!" " *giggle* you boys are a funny bunch, now back to topic, you will work on Aeros, be propulsion, reattachment of limb or similar to surgery from my perspective." Missy said... "So basically we are doctors to the entirety of anything mechanical or synthetic?" Pedro asked... "If that is how you understand it, then yes." "Well then, that's a new perspective... Should we not be coming close to the dorms?" "Not quite, we're taking a little detour..." "Why?" I asked... "First you need to meet the Aeros you are going to be mainly working on while repairing them a bit for today, and with that being said, keep in mind, neither you or them have authority over each other, only in special and rare cases do any of you have authority over the other..." "Really? So just to ask... If they are quote: 'injured', or they're not flight capable, we are in charge of their repairs..." "Yes, in that case, you have authority over them, however, trying to hold them against their will when there are not repairs to be done or diagnostics, then you have none." "Understood." "Now, with that being said, this squadron has a had some trouble with their mechanics, so advise trying to cooperate. I have talked to them about their behaviour, but their reaction will depend on your choice of action... Is that Understood?" "Yes ma'am!" We all said in unison as best we could... We continued to walk till we reached the hangar that we assumed contained all of the Aeros that are supposedly our "patients"... We turn around the corner we see a squad of F-18 Hornets but they were all in these... suits...
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They yelped as they tried to hide themselves from us... We all just turned around to face the outside as we want to honour their privacy, though it was kinda weird since the hangar door was wide open... Though Oliver need to be turned... "WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE DOING YOU LITTLE SHITS!" The one with the yellow suit asked... "We are not trying to do anything..." Pedro said with a bored voice... "Then what the hell are you doing here!?" The one with white suit asked... The Lieutenant cleared her throat as we now only heard silence, Oliver tried to take a peak but me and Xander stopped him... "I don't believe this is the tone I asked to you to have with your repair crew..." she said as I could tell she was disappointed... "What- This is our repair crew?!" The blue one asked... 'Wait a minute... Ain't that a Blue Angel?' I thought to myself... "They're so..." "Young, I understand, however, their skills are un-rivalled... Boys, introduce yourselves..." Missy said before yellow suit could asked... "I'm Josh Aleks!" I said as I raised my hand and lowered it once I'm done... "I'm Xander Chakadyra, on my left is Pedro Drai, and on my right is Oliver Martez." Xander said as he introduced the others... "Why did you introduce us fro them?!" Oliver asked as if it was outrageous... "Because you would have made a fool of yourself and Pedro has nothing he wants say..." Xander explained as if he had enough reason, which he did... "You can turn around boys..." Missy said as we could hear some uncomfortable groans from the Hornets... "Don't min-" "Oh no you don't Oliver" Xander said as he forces Oliver to look outside the hangar again... "Their only in those clothes Lieutenant, we can't look at them when their like that..." Pedro said as we kept on looking... "I understand your idea of clothing, unfortunately they only wear that they have for the time being..." Missy said as she said with a hint of shame... "Oh boy..." I said as Oliver looked at me smugly... "So turn around, and I'll say who you are with..." We all did and I was nervous, since I do not like to seem as if I am trying to take advantage of this sort of situation... "Joshua, you are with Cristina, Xander, Àngela, Oliver, Mariam, and Pedro, Darina..." We all looked at each other and I just hoped for the love of God, that they did not try to squish us into paste... "Now that you know your assigned Aero, and your assigned mechanic, I do hope you get along, and remember what I said to all of you." The lieutenant said as she left, and I felt Cristina giving me a cautious stare... I just breathed slowly as I gained enough courage to step forward to say something, but she cut me off by holding her hand up... "Don't you get any ideas..." Cristina said with some anger being shown... "If you're thinking I'm going to try and take advantage of you, then relax cause I'm not..." "Uh-huh..." "Why should we? Men are all the same..." "Not all are-" Oliver started before being slapped straight across the face... "Nice one Xander..." Pedro commented... "What the fuck!?" Oliver yelled in return as I could see his face go red... "That was to stop you from saying anything stupid..." Xander simply replied... "Why do you-" Oliver shut up as soon as he saw Xander's face... There was another reason why I am friends with Xander, he helps keep Oliver in check, and he intimidates most people who he meets, but not all can see his hearty and kind side... One moment he is brutal and intimidating, the next he is as gentle as falling feather... "Sorry about our friend, he is good at heart, but at times he is kinda stupid..." I said as I looked at Oliver with a tired look... "I'm not! I-" he stopped as Xander put a hand on Oliver's shoulder... He scuttles quickly out of Xander's grip and hides behind Pedro... "Forgive our behaviour, but may we proceed?" Xander asked as he waited for their response... The Aeros looked at each other and reluctantly allowed us to move in, and so we started... I followed Cristina to a repair station and let her lay down on a sort of bed like frame... Once she laid there, I started with a diagnostic, and saw she had several small repairs everywhere on her body, mainly on her thrusters... I got a tool box, climbed the platform which was about 5 feet tall and started to undo a panel in her left leg's thruster... I put the panel down near me and see a bunch of wires and pieces put in the wrong places.... I start to disconnect wires to start, then I would work on the pieces that were in the wrong places... The irony being her main fuel line was going in zig zags with her wires... "What the hell happened here? Looks like a stampede did this..." I groaned as I started to undo the wires... "What?" She asked confused... "Who the hell did your repairs before us? This is nonsense..." "Excuse you, Damian is a certified military mechanic-" "Certified my ass! The repairs are sloppy, the organization here is a mess, and it looks like a rush job, certified is the last thing this Damian guy is, amateur is more like it..." "You don't know what you are talking about..." "Oh really? So why is your main fuel line touching wires here? Wires that are not even put in the right place and not only that, but there is no Targus covering the wires?" "Tar-what?" "Targus, it's a flexible anti-flammable material made in 2024, for covering wiring, it's to stop a spark from going on the gas if there is a leak there, or else you would just simply blow up if you had a short circuit! And to finish off, where is the anti-leak layer? It seems as if it was taken out... Do you have any idea where it went?" " . . . " "What? Nothing to say Cris? Where's that smug talk saying that I'm only here because I'm a idiot perv?! That I'm stupid compared to this Damian or whatnot!?" "Josh... Relax, you made your point, now just let her be and continue her repairs..." Pedro said as he continued to work on Darina... I just took a deep breath and just ignored Cris since she was now quiet too... Then I hear some shuffling behind me till something grabs my collar and yanks me backwards, out of the platform and I fall till I feel something grab both my arms... And I look to see a group of 4 men and one had a very annoyed and gruff look...