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In late 1913, an experimental weapon was built by American engineers that would completely turn the tide of war against Germany, it consisted of a human brain being transplanted in a synthetic mechanical body, having functions or a airplane, while the conscience of a human inside.
The program became a huge success with multiple of these new soldiers coming about, due to Earth having a rather large boom in female population, most of these new soldiers were female, soon 1990, these soldier were classified as Aeromorphs, a human transcending their organic shells in exchange for a synthetic one to serve their nation...
Males were also included though their numbers dwindled in comparison...

The year now is 2059, the world has not evolved to the utopia people have imagined, rather it remained the same, young Joshua managed to get through a long test from English and was now heading to the cafeteria...

(Josh's P.O.V.)
'Feew... Finally... Done that cursed test... Why in the world did they decide to have English tests?' I mentally said as I walked to the cafeteria...
I was on the end of my first University year, it was only the tests left and since I finished my English test, now it was time for lunch...
I kept on walking till I heard running behind me, only to see an arm swing out at me...
I dodged only to the figure to turn around jump towards me and tackle me to the ground...
I hit the ground hard hitting my head, I groaned from the pain I felt, I open my eyes only to see another one of my close childhood friend, Alice Kamni giving me a bone crushing hug...

I hit the ground hard hitting my head, I groaned from the pain I felt, I open my eyes only to see another one of my close childhood friend, Alice Kamni giving me a bone crushing hug

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Alice Kamni
Age: 18

"Alice... I... Can't..."
"Oh don't worry you can breath!" She said as she let me go and I started to get up...
As soon as I was standing she hugged me again but with her arms wrapped behind my neck and my arms on her waist...
"I missed you, you goof..."
"Hey it's not my fault I got invited to a robotics competition that was no challenge..."
"The competition was literally about building a baker bot, with only one week to build everything and you just build a full on tread-moving baker that can do almost everything a human can do, and even helped your competition..."
"Hey, it's called good sportsmanship..."
"It's called showing off, every time i get out and people find out we're friends, girls who want to date you just keep asking where you live, which by the way, that tan you got is not working for you..."
"It's not like I wanted to get it..."
"If not the first thing you should try to invent is a way to remove that tan from you..."
I just started laughing... she thinks I'm doing this for attention...
"You're jealous?"
"Am not!"
"Your red face says otherwise and let me tell you one thing: hold our hands together with your fingers intertwined."
"Just trust me.."
"Now, with one hand, open your right hand, while your left hand is still holding your right..."
After she did that, I went with my right hand, intertwined my fingers over hers and lifted her arms up, and so she couldn't move her arms even if she wanted to, I moved and kissed her on her lips as she embraced my kiss, I let go of her hands and move away from her, her face was blushing so hard...
"You jerk..." she said while blushing heavily...
"You know I only have eyes for you right Alice?"
"I know, I just don't like this..."
"So you do admit you were jealous?"
"Fine... I do... you jerk..." she said as she leaned on my chest...
"There, there..." I said as I hugged her back and started to comfort her...
We stayed there for a bit before she calmed down and I just heard clapping besides us...
"Geez man... Get a room..." I heard a voice behind us only to find my friends Pedro, Xander and Oliver standing there...
"You know we can't do that just yet..." I replied mockingly..
"Yeah, yeah, that what you keep saying..." Oliver replied un-interested but clearly being very interested...
"So how did your test go?" Pedro asked as he leaned on a wall nearby...
"A nightmare, but I managed to finish..." I replied...
"So do you guys want to come over to my house?" Xander asked as he wore his proud smile with intimidating figure...
"Yeah sure, I just need to tell my mom..." I replied as I pulled out my phone..
"Dude, you need to stop asking for permission, don't you know the saying? 'It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission' ?" Oliver said as if I was a 'mama's boy'...
"And you do you know 'I'm not asking for permission'? I'm just informing my mom..."
"Dude, she won't always be there for you, none of our moms will see our kids..."
"So dark man..." Pedro said as he lightly tapped Oliver's head...
"Hey I'm just saying the truth, my mom is 49 and she has a chronic disease, believe me, I want to, I just can't do anything man..." I said...
"Here's your next idea to build as prodigy engineers, a anti-aging machine..." Alice said as we all looked at each other in disagreement...
"There's only two ways to stop aging or to grow young again, one being cryo-sleep that just stops everything, even the heart, so that's out of the question, and two is to kill the cell and make a brand new one in constant cycle, but that could kill the patient so that's also so out, thus: impossible..." I said, making It clear that I was impossible...
"Nerd..." Alice teases me, and I could feel little devil wings grow on my back with an idea...
"Love the compliment my little Poppy flower..." I replied
"I'm not a Poppy flower!"
"Your red face says a whole different story..." I said teasing her further more...
She just hid her face behind her hands in embarrassment...
Soon the bell rang...
I walked towards my locker and got my backpack with my tablet with a drawing that I forgot to put away...
It was from the pride of American Aviation, part of a hope I had...
The Queen of the skies, Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird the world's fastest reconnaissance aircraft...
Originally, Blackbird was simply a reconnaissance plane, not fitted with any weapons, but the military had a different ideas, due to her speed and ability to fly high, no-one could catch her, they outfitted her with small bombs that were destructive, but didn't do as much damage...
Soon someone snatches my tablet from my hand...
I turned around to fight over it only to find Alice looking at it...
"You want Blackbird more than me?"
"Alice, it's just a drawing, give it back..."
"You want her, admit it!"
"If I did then why would I be going out with you?"
"To play with me!"
"I wouldn't do that!"
"I don't know!"
"Then explain to me why didn't I draw her to be more curvy than she actually is?!"
She looked back at the drawing...
While she was distracted I snatched my tablet from her hands...
I looked at it one last time just to make sure...

Airfield 57 Son of Blackbird (Aeromorph life)Where stories live. Discover now