Breaking in...

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(Melissa's P.O.V.)

Today it is February 07 2060...
Currently it's 2:30 PM...

It has been more or less than 2 months since we got Joshua back...

Things haven't been great for him...
He suffered a few incidents in those 2 months...
And all three of those incidents were not easy on his mind...

The first one was absolute disgusting...
It involved his mother...

After the reality of his situation, Joshua was in a extremely depressive state, he would hardly even leave his hangar, it came to the point where I would have to order him to take a walk, even if it was the middle of the night...

He slowly began to make a habit of it and started to do it more often which was a relief...

But a few times, others would have to accompany him or lift him up and make him take a walk...

Aeros are ordered to keep on being physically active since it's essential for our neural hardware and if we don't, bad things can happen to us...

But what happened later on was what made me worry more for him...

*2 months ago*

(Joshua's P.O.V.)

I woke up from sleeping against the wall...
Missy keeps on telling me to use my bed instead of the floor...
But honestly I didnt feel like sleeping on the bed...
It's surprising aeros even have beds... I thought most of them slept standing up...

I decided to get up and change a bit of my routine...

'LeT's HaVe A lItTlE bIt Of SuN nO?' I said I let out a small chuckle...

I honestly didn't know what was happening around me...
I could feel myself slowly becoming lighter and lighter...
Like a feather almost...
But I always felt something tie my neck tighter as if I was on someone's leash...

I continued to walk around the base before I saw a woman bumped into my feet as I stopped walking...
She was wearing all black and a cloth covering her face...
I couldn't see her tell anything about her properly...

"You alright miss?" I tiredly asked as I knelt down...
"I'm fine, thank you, I apologize for my clumsiness..."
"No, I'm sorry... I wasn't looking where I was walking..."
"Oh no need to worry, but can you do me a small favour? Can you not tell anyone that I'm here?
"Miss, that's more than a favour, and I can't not inform anyone... Why are you here?"
"I'm here to see my son! I was told he was pulled from his school and brought here... Honestly speaking, I'd say it's kidnapping what the government did... The trip from Orlando to here wasn't easy you know..."
"On that topic miss, I can't do anything... But who is your son? I can try to talk with my lieutenant about a short visit..."
"Oh really? That would be great, my son is Joshua Aleks."

I immediately flinched at the comment as the lady removed the cloth covering her face as I saw her...

"What? Pardon but I'm not your mother-"
"No, it's me... It's Joshua..."
"I know my son, and he wouldn't be in a Aeromorph."
"Ask me something only you would know about Joshua..."
"Hmmmm.... Why did Joshua take interest in machinery?"
"Because I knew that was one way to get closer to the military and to Aeromorphs... My main focus were to work on a aero as I continued to study and then make it into a profession based off of Aeros..."

She looked shocked as she took a few steps back...

"No-no-no-no-no, this can't be happening..." she said as she held her head...
I moved my hand closer to her as to help her...
"Mom, calm down, just take a deep breath-"
"Don't fucking touch me!" She said as she pushed my hand away from her...

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