Part 15

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Mattheo's POV

She put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

I look down at her, she has dried tear stains on her cheeks. Her eyes are red and puffy.

I just hug her, I feel like I need to protect her but I don't know why.

It's probably because she is Jakes sister and Jake is an important factor to my life.

I'm not Gay.

He's been there for me since first year and I value that from him.

He's never done anything to hurt me or go behind my back.

Well he did sleep with Molly in third year but we forgive and forget, it was a stupid drunk hookup.

But I've noticed him getting quite close with Daphne.

Anyway back to reality.

I just sit there staring at her making sure she's ok, occasionally a few tears run down her cheek but I wipe them with my thumb.

Jake eventually comes back to the room, mostly sober.

"How is she?" He says loud

"Shhh, she's sleeping. Anyway she went to sleep in your bed but every time she closed her eyes she was back in the hallway with him. She just laid there and I could tell she wasn't going to sleep so that's why she is asleep on my bed." I say to him

"Who would be out of the party, and in the girls dorms. All the Slytherin guys were there" Jake says

"I don't know. But when she wakes up tomorrow we can ask her to describe him or point him out to us" i say to him.

"Yeah hopefully" he says

Jake then goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I just sit there still with her.

He comes out of the bathroom, so I gently lift her head and put it on my pillow so now she is laying down.

I go into the bathroom and do my teeth. As well as my hair routine.

I come out after 10 minutes to hear Jake snoring.

I get into bed and pull Allie into my side so she doesn't feel alone.

Allison's POV

I don't know what the time is but when I wake up I feel something or someone beside me I open my eyes to see Theo

I don't know what the time is but when I wake up I feel something or someone beside me I open my eyes to see Theo

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A/N : this is how you wake up

I'm really comfy, I don't want to get up.

I dig my head into his neck more and fall back asleep.


I wake up again to people talking, I open my eyes to see I'm still hugging Theo.

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