Chapter 6

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"I can't believe it." Y/N said.
"Don't worry Y/N, he isn't worth it anyway." Ada said.

"But I thought we had something. We went on a date and we even kissed and all he says is that I'm just another girl that he hooked up with!" Y/N yelled storming off to her room.

"Wait he kissed her?" Matteo asked.
"Where you not watching the news?" Fitz said looking at Matteo who was on top of his stomach on the ground.
"Or when she yelled 'and we even kissed!' ?" Ada asked.
"No not really. I was texting Gustav." Matteo said waving his phone around while kicking his feet.
"About what?" Fitz asked.
"You know about tomorrow. When we go see them again. We where thinking that we should go to the fair that's by the beach over there." Matteo said.
"I don't know if we should still go after what just happened." Ada said.
"What the fuck?! Why not?!" Matteo yelled while sitting up.
"You know with what just happened with Tom and
"Yeah, who knows what will go down if Y/N sees Tom." Fitz added.
"I don't give a flying fuck what happened between
Y/N and Tom! Just because those two shitheads are fighting doesn't mean that should seeing Tokio Hotel and especially me seeing Gustav!" Matteo yelled walking to the kitchen.
"MATTEO!" Ada yelled back.
"Dude, you acting like a child when they don't get what they want." Fitz said also walking to the kitchen.
"Whatever." Matteo rolled his eyes. "But the two of you and I know that Tom and Y/N have to make up somehow or it's gonna cause drama between his band and ours." Matteo said taking out ingredients to make a sandwich.
"Yeah your right but how is Y/N and Tom going to make up. It's not gonna be easy." Ada said now also walking to the kitchen.
"I don't know." Matteo said.
"Maybe we should hang out with them tomorrow. The two could try to talk it out while the rest of us stay out of their way." Fitz suggested.
"That's not gonna work." Ada said.
"Well do you got any other ideas." Fitz said.
"Mhm a much better one." Ada said.
Both Matteo and Fitz looked up at Ada waiting for an answer.
"No, not right now." Ada said after a few seconds of silence.
Fitz rolled his eyes and Matteo shook his head while looking back down to his almost finished sandwich.
"Can you make me a sandwich too?" Fitz asked.
"It's good to talk things out anyway." Fitz said.
"Yeah your right. I'll go talk to Y/N." Ada said walking to Y/N's room.
Matteo handed Fitz's sandwich.
"I hope they figure this out." Matteo said.
"Yeah I do too." Fitz said taking a bit out of his sandwich.
"Theo did you put pickles in this?" Fitz asked looking in his sandwich.
"Yeah why?"
"I don't like pickles man."
"Then take them out. God damn you guys complain too much. You didn't even say thank you. You would have starved to death if i hadn't made that sandwich for you because you lazy cunt wouldn't have made a sandwich for you self even if you are starving." Matteo said walking back to the living room and turning on the TV.
"Jeez sorry. Thanks for the sandwich." Fitz said now scared that Matteo is talking like this.
"I've never heard you talk like that." Fitz said.
"Well I'm tired and there's a chance that I won't see Gustav tomorrow." Matteo said.
"Oh that explains."
"Shut up."

Ada knocked on Y/N's door.

"Y/N? Can I come in?"
"Mhm" Y/N said.

Ada walked into Y/N's room and saw her laying on her bed with her face stuffed into her pillow.

"Hey girl. How you doing?" Ada asked sitting next to her.
"Not so great. I just can't believe he said that." Y/N said he head still in her pillow.
"Well I think you should talk to him." Ada said.
"About what? How much of an asshole his is."
"Not exactly. How about you two should talk about your relationship with him."
"I don't know. He clearly doesn't want to be in a relationship with me if he's going on TV and saying that."
"Well maybe he didn't know if you guys where in a relationship and said that because he didn't want to say anything that you wouldn't agree with." Ada said.
"So he says that out of all things. He could of just said he didn't know or that it still has to be discussed."
"Your right. That's why you guys need to discuss whether or not you guys are in a relationship. You seem to like him a lot and I could tell he likes you two by the way he looks at you."
"I don't know how to express my feelings to him though."
"Well when your expressing you feelings to be in a relationship with someone, it's important to be honest, clear and respectful to them. You also have to remember that it's important to also listen to their response and respect their feelings and boundaries. If he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, it's important to accept their decision and continue to value the friendship that you have with him. Who knows maybe he'll eventually consider having a relationship with you." Ada said.
"Your right. Thank you Ada." Y/N hugged Ada.
"Of course. But I got a question." Ada said separating the hug.
"Matteo was wondering if you still wanted to go hang out with Tokio Hotel tomorrow because he wants to see Gustav tomorrow."
"Yeah of course. I can talk to Tom tomorrow."
"Ima get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow Ada."
"Alright goodnight Y/N."
Ada left Y/N's room and went to her living room.
"Hey how'd it go?" Fitz asked.
"Well, very well. She agreed to talk to Tom tomorrow."
"So we get to see Tokio Hotel tomorrow?" Matteo asked.
"Yes we do."
"Shh shut up. Y/N is going to sleep." Ada shushed Matteo.
"Oh sorry. Ima text Gustav." Matteo said pulling out his phone.
"Okay you do that but let's get out of here so we don't wake up Y/N." Fitz said.
"Yeah let's go." Ada said grabbing Matteo's collar pulling him out of the chair and the three of them went home.

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