Chapter 1

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| The Interview

"Hello, everyone!" The Interviewer exclaimed to the crowd of people and the crowd started cheering. "Today is a special interview because we will be featuring Tokio Hotel and Mind Twisters! Come on out guys!" Everyone started clapping and cheering as the two bands walked out onto stage.

The band members all waved to the crowed as they walked to their seats. Tokio Hotel sat on a couch and Mind Twisters sat on another couch.

"Welcome guys, how are all of you?" The Interviewer asked.

"We are amazing." Y/N, the lead singer of Mind Twisters responded.

"We're great!" Bill also responded.

"That's great to hear. Now I've gotten this question a few times from a couple of fans asking if you two bands have met before."

"We have not actually, we have though listened to each others music but we have never met before we came to this interview." Bill answered.

"Well it's a good thing that you both are here and are now able to get to know each other."

"Yeah, it's great to finally meet the amazing Tokio Hotel!" Ada, the bassist of Mind Twisters said.

Bill, Tom, Gustav, and Georg smiled at Ada's complement.

"I've also noticed that you guys have a similar type of genre of music you guys play." The Interviewer commented.

"Yeah we've also noticed that and I think because of that we would all get along greatly." Bill said.

"Another thing you guys have in common is the fact that all of you originated from Germany, right?" The Interviewer asked.

"Yeah, we have a lot in common besides our band being an all boys band." Y/N said.

"So how did you all learn how to speak English?" 

"Mainly from school." Georg answered.

"Same and also we would watch movies in English to help a little." Fitz, the guitarist of Mind Twisters added.

"Oh yeah, school helps starting with your English and also watching shows in English could also help a lot with improving it. Do you guys know any swear words?"

"We know some bad words in English, our English is bad." Tom said.

"Yeah, we just know some words from school." Bill added.

"What do you know already?" The Interviewer asked.

"Shithead." Fitz said.

"Asshole." Ada said.

"Fuck." Matteo, the drummer said.

"Uh, Bitch." Y/N said.

"Oh nice, and you guys." The Interviewer looked at Tokio Hotel.

"Mother Fucking cunt." Gustav proudly said with a straight face.

"Um yeah mother fu- we don't say cunt so much in America, that's like super bad." The Interviewer said.

"Oh ok." Gustav said.

"You don't say cunt in America?" Y/N asked.

"Like, if you say cunt in America, it is like the worst word you can use." The Interviewer added.

"Oh really?" Tom said.

"Oh nice." Y/N said.

"Wow." Fitz said.

Gustav and Matteo rubbed their hands together. 

"Nice, nice to know." Bill said.

"Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt." the two groups started to chant like a cult.

"You guys really need to stop." The Interviewer told them and they all stopped while some of them laughing afterwards.

"Now let's talk about something else." The Interviewer started to ask the two bands question which mostly Bill and Y/N replied to.

While the Interviewer was talking to Bill about one of their songs, Y/N felt a pair of eyes on her. She looked around to see who was looking at her and spotted Tom looking at her. She and Tom held eye contact for a second before Tom smirked at her then turned back at his brother.

Y/N didn't know what was that about so she just turned back at the Interviewer.

After the interview was over the two groups left back stage.

"I can't believe cunt is one of the worst words to use in America." Matteo said.

"I bet its not, I hear people say it all the time." Ada said.

"Yeah, also that Interviewer was really loud." Y/N said.

"I thought I was the only one who thought that, my eardrums were about to explode." Ada said.

"Yeah but she's kinda hot, though." Fitz smirked.

"Just a little itty bitty, little bit hot." Matteo added also smirking.

"Y'all are gross." Ada rolled her eyes.

Y/N just smiled and rolled her eyes at the two.

Y/N then felt someone tap her shoulder and when she turned around to see who it was, Bill was standing there.

"Hey Bill,  you need something?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, we were just wondering if you guys wanted to hang out tomorrow with us." Bill said.

"Yeah we would love to, where should we hang out though?"

"There's this new restaurant that open up, do you know of it?"

"Yeah of course. We were actually planning to go there sometime this week." Y/N said.

"Oh well that's great. We can meet up with you guys at 2:30 pm, is that okay with you guys?" Bill asked.

"Yeah that sounds great."

"Okay then, we will see you tomorrow.

"Okay see ya."


With that Bill left with is bandmates and Y/N and her band left as well. 

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