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As we ran through the forest, I noticed slight differences betwen his and my features. He had 4 fingers on his hands, and he had no eyebrows. He didn't let go of my wrist once, and I feel like if he did I would immidietly trip somewhere and fall.

While he was puling me with him, I looked down and realised the ground we were stepping on was glowing beneath us. This planet is nothing like Earth, its beautiful.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to make smal talk.

"The clan." I couldnt help but be nervous about meeting his clan.

"I never got your name." I said.


"Neteyam. Thats a cool name!" I said and he just ignored me, continuing to pull me along with him. "So-"

"It's best that we do not talk." He cut me off, and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance, following him behind.

We continued to move forward, until I felt like something was approaching us. A bunch of Navi were riding six legged horse like creatures, surrounding us. They pointed their spears at us, making Neteyam tighten his grip on my arm. The lead rider, a girl came closer to us shotting me a glare.

And then they started speaking Navi. I couldnt understand what they were saying, but I could tell it wasn't good. From their conversation, I learned the girl's name. Na'yori.

She was tall, muscular, with piercing eyes and a sharp jawline. She looked both intimidating and georgeous.

The conversation between them started getting more intense, until suddenly they put their weapons away hesitately.

"Come now." Neteyam said to me in English.

I sighed in relief, as they put away their spears. We continued to walk through the forest for what felt like miles, Na'yori's glare not leaving me once. She watched my every move.

After the long journey, we made it to the Great tree that Quatrich mentioned. As we went up the tree, everyones eyes were on me. Some were hissing at me constantly, some were whispering among themselves, and some were scared. Either way, I wasn't welcomed here.

After finally making it to an open area, Neteyam let go of my wrist approaching 5 other Navi, who were in the middle of it. He went to the oldest one, who I assume was the clan leader.

(Just so you dont get confused, in this story, Jake is the Ole'eyktan,and Neytiri is the Tsahik. Loak, Tuk AND Kiri are his biological siblings. In this story Kiri isn't Graces daughter.)

"Why do you bring this creature here?" The leader barks in Navi.

"Father, I was about to kill her, but Eywa was sending me a sign." Neteyam responded, also in Navi.

"She is not welcomed here, Neteyam. I can smell her from here." The leader spat, making the clan laugh.

"Neteyam." I lightly shook him, making him bring his attention to me. "Whats going on?"

"My father is deciding wether to kill you or not" He stated.

I gulped, already getting nervous around these people. It was scary, indeed. I could only rely on Neteyam to try and save me, and even he doesn't like me too much.

They continued to argue, until the eldest woman among them said something in Navi to shut them up. "I will take a look at this alien." She told the clan leader.

"This is the Tsahik. She is the one that interperts the will of Eywa, and my mother." Neteyam whispered to me.

She observed me, took my hand in her own, checking out my fingers. She circled around me grabbing my tail and going with her fingers through my hair. I stood still like a statue, but I swear my heart was about to brust through my chest.

"What are you called?" She spoke in english.

Then she grabbed a huge thorn from her necklace, poking my chest, making me groan. Tasting my blood she made eye contact with me.

"Y/n." I answer

"Why do you come to us Y/n?"

"To learn your ways." I said relaxing my posture a bit.

"The sky people cannot learn. We tried to teach them and it did not go well."

"I'm not here to cause trouble. And I'm a fast learner." I continued.

"And what is your role amongst the sky people?" She questioned.

"Medic. Kind of, but for now they practicaly just bring me along with them since I'm a newbie, and I do nothing." I said. My gaze went to Neteyam, and I noticed he was already looking at me. However when we locked eyes, his gaze went to his mother.

She turned to him and started speaking in Navi. "Neteyam, you will teach her the ways of our people. To speak and walk like we do."

He wasn't happy about whatever she said. "Why me? Have Loak do it I-" He comtinued in Navi.

"It is decited!" She cut him off. He startes mumbling under his breath, something I couldnt understand.  "My son will teach you our ways, Y/n. Learn well, and we'll see if you can be trusted."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you, ma'am." She smiled slightly and nodded her head before walking off.

I went over to Neteyam and he glared at me. "Soooo, what do we do now-"

"Do not speak to me"

"One of them." Neteyam S.Where stories live. Discover now