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After waking up in my Avatar body, I was laying down in the same hammock I fell asleep in. I looked to my left, to see that Neteyam had already woken up. At first, I struggled trying to get out of it, but when i finally did I decided to go over to the village. Everyone was a bit less tense today, just minding their bussines.

I watched as mothers were feeding their babies, men were training their kids archery, women braiding each others hair. Once again, it was nothing like Earth. I smiled, but it faded once I felt something tug on my bottoms. I turned around and there were 3 toddlers, all girls. They stared for a moment, before one of them pulled out a flower crown for me to wear. I gladly took it, putting it on my head. They smiled at me, before one of their mothers pulled them away from me.

I rolled my eyes, and saw Neteyam come torwards me on a six legged horse, leading a second horse behind him.

He stopped, and looked at me for a second, before he started talking. "What's that on your head?"

"A girl made it for me. You like it?" I smirked.

He ignored me, hopping off his horse. "This is called a Direhorse, it's the easiest thing you can learn to ride.

I started to pet the horse, as it closed its eyes, feeling calm in my presance. "I'm naming him Sam." I told to Neteyam, and he was already smiling at me. "You know, you dont look that bad when you aren't frowning all the time."

He quickly relaxed his mouth, scoffing at me. "Get on, there is no time to lose."

"Fineee." I struggled to get on, and Neteyam decided to help me, but it was no use.

"This was what I meant when i said you're going to get fat from eating so much! How much do you even weight?" He laughed.

"You're just jealous of my curves." I smirked as I finally got up.

He shook his head. "Make the bond." He stated as he handed me the horses queue. I grabbed my own, connecting the horses antenes to my own. I felt a rush go through my body, and my pupils dilate. The horse started to tense up, before Neteyam calmed him down in Navi.

"This is shaheylu. The bond. Feel her breath, her legs." He spoke to me.

I closed my eyes, feeling the  connection. It was peaceful, and a feeling Ive never felt before. It was soon interupted when i heard someone aproach me from behind. It was Na'yori on her own horse.

"Hey newbie." She said to me with a smirk.

"I knew you could speak English." I said.

"You shouldn't be here." She said.

"No, I like it here. If you hate me so much, you can just leave. Besides, you would we doing everyone a favour." I smiled at her, and she scoffed before smacking my horse from behind, making it march forward. I fell straight on my butt.  She started laughing at me, before making her direhorse splash me in the face with water from a mud next to me. She stopped tho once Neteyam helped me up.

He started speaking to her in Navi. "Why are you here?"

"This demon isn't welcomed here, and you know it!" She yelled.

"Na'yori, please leave." He said in Navi. She glared at me, finally leaving us alone.

"What a bitch." I said .

"Let's try it again." 

I kept trying to ride the horse again, and again, but kept falling. It seemed like with each try I kept getting worse. If this is the easiest creature to ride on, who knows how the next one will be.

"Wait, Y/n." He said to me, before I got on the horse again. "Try calming your nerves. I can tell you're scared, which isn't good. You can feel her, but she can feel what you're feeling too.

I walked over to him and groaned. "But I keep falling and-" Suddenly putting his hand against my chest,he cut me off.

"Calm yourself." He was very good at calming down both animals and people. I took a deep breath and went to try again. This time, it went quite smoothly. I yelled in excitement, as I go off the horse. I went over to him jumping up and down, proud of myself for finally managing to do it.

"Good job." He grinned at me patting my shoulder. It was nice seeing him happy, and I  felt like he didn't hate me as much.

"I wouldn't succeed if it werent for you." I smiled at him.  We started walking back to the tree,

"Ive never worked with sky people. You would be the first." He returned the smile.

"You're good with people. Grace said you and your sisters were so bright and happy as kids."

"She didn't mention Loak?" He smirked.

I laughed "She said he was a troublemaker." 

"Yea, she isn't wrong. Hey, how is she doing?" He  asked.

"Shes good. She misses you guys."

"She was different from the sky people. Kind hearted." He paused for a moment. "Like you."

I smiled "Well thank you." 

He nodded his head, and we continued to walk back to the tree. There was silence the entire way, but it felt comftarble.

"Your planet." He broke the silence. "What's it like?"

"Preposterous." I said. "The nature is practicaly dead. Half of the animal species are extinct, and the air is so dirty." I frowned as I spoke.

"You don't seem to like it that much there."

"I HATE it. This place is so much better." I told him and he gave me a nod, meaning he agrees. I cant believe our people want to destroy this beautiful planet, just like they did with Earth. Its sad. "Tell me about your family!" I went in front of him, and started walking backwards so that I could face him.

"Well my mother, Neytiri, she is a good woman. She can be scary at times, but shes my best support." He said and I smiled.

"Mommy's boy~" I said making him shake his head and laugh.

"My dad, the ole'eyktan. I wanna be like him one day. A great warrior."

"You already are." I said, making him blush a little. "I mean, I've seen the way you shot those dogs, so why wouldn't you be."

I went to walk next to him again. "Viperwolves." he corrected me. "And thank you."

I smiled and punched his shoulder lightly. "Hey,  no problem. That's what friends are for."

"No. We're far from friends. I'm just teaching you. You're still one of them." He frowned

"Ouch." I smirked "And I highly doubt it. I think you've took quite a liking to me." I teased him.

He ignored me when the tree finally came to view. We went over to the second level of the tree, as it was getting late. We were both hungry so we went to eat dinner before bed. I could tell Neteyam was starting to get curious about me and my life, and I was glad I was finally earning his trust.

I hope it will be the same with the rest of them. We went to lay down in our hammocks and I sighed , exhausted from todays activities. Before I could close it, I heard him say something to me, before sleeping. "Good night, Y/n."

I smiled. "Night night!" Minutes after closing it, I drifted to sleep, ready for tommorows activities.

"One of them." Neteyam S.Where stories live. Discover now