chapter ten

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dress for gala^^^


"Wake up bitch." Is all Hunter hears as she wakes up when the blinds open magically.

"Huh." Hunter says disoriented.

"You have a total of 10 hours before the gala starts, you woke up late which I blame on Ev. She begged me to let you sleep in." Anya says glaring at the girl in question who rolls her eyes.

"Can't I sleep longer?" Hunter asks shoving her head back in her pillow.

"Hell no. You need to start getting ready and we need to hear about what is going on with you and Nick." Ev says dragging her onto the floor making her wince in pain.

"Should we start with hair or nails?" Anya says pulling all the supplies out as Hunter's eyes widen.

"There is two of us for a reason." Ev answers as they grin mischievously.


After getting ready, Hunter is sitting on her bed waiting for her mom to come check on her but gets distracted with knocking.

"Yes?" Hunter calls out.

"Will you help me do my hair?" Noah asks walking in.

"Of course, and you look beautiful." Hunter says smiling at her.

"Me? Look at you." Noah replies sitting in the vanity chair as Hunter grabs the straightner.

"Thank you, now what do you want done to your hair?" She asks.

"Just it straight, I mainly wanted to spend time with you before the gala." Noah explains making Hunter hug her from behind.

"Sounds good to me, though I do have a question." Hunter says as a smirk builds on her face.

"And what would that be?" Noah asks.

"What is going on with you and Anya? I saw her sneaking out this morning before she came to me." Hunter says watching as Noah blushes.

"Nothing." Noah grumbles out.

"That isn't what it looked like or what she said." Hunter lies.

"She said something?" Noah asks shocked.

"So there is something going on." Hunter says with a smirk as she finishes up on her sister's hair.

"Oh, whatever." Noah says standing up, thanking her, and leaving the room making her sister giggle.


Walking down the stairs, getting a sense of deja vu she sees everyone waiting for her. Seeing Nick's eyes bulge out of his head, she smirks as she makes it to the end. Watching as her family heads to the car she leans closer to him.

"See something you like?" Hunter whispers in his ear making him groan.

"Very much so." He replies watching as she walks ahead of him.

"Take a picture, It will last longer." She says feeling the gaze on her back.

"Mom, can I take my car?" She asks walking up to her mother.

"If you take Nick with you, he might kill us if we make him ride in the back." Rafaella says making her husband laugh and agree.

"Fine." She says in false despair.

"You are coming with me." Hunter says dragging him by his tie to the passenger side.

"Thank god." He replies as he watches her intently. Getting in the car, they go into a comfortable silence until she breaks it.

"Can I tell you something?" She says nervously.

"Sure, what's up." He asks in reply.

"Do you know this person?" She says handing him the phone, only to show the threatening messages she has received.

"What the fuck?" He says reading them before he tells her to pull over.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me before?" He says grabbing her face and pulling her closer to him.

"I didn't know I was obligated to." She says stubbornly.

"Of course you are obligated to, this is because you raced my car." He points out.

"I didn't really pay attention to them as I am fine." She says ripping his hand off her and driving off once again.

"As of right now, but if you keep ignoring them maybe not for long." He explains pissed off.

"Whatever." She comments making him glare heatedly as they make it to the gala and walk inside.


Making it back home, she watches as her family walks inside and heads up to bed before she goes to sit on the couch. Feeling someone sit next to her, she turns her head.

"Those turns are impossible." He says noticing the movie.

"They can be done. You just have to pull on the handbrake, and turn the steering wheel 20 degrees to the right and 60 to the left." She explains not looking at him.

"Twenty, sixty like a passcode." He says turning her head towards him.

"Exactly." Hunter says ignoring the look he is giving her.

"Why did you ignore me all night?" He asks facing her.

"Because I can." She says as the tension builds.

"You really need someone to put you in your damn place, and maybe you want be a brat all the time." He says before putting a finger to her lips as she tries to defend herself. As his fingers start tracing her lips and face she crashes her lips onto his.

Putting her hand behind his head as his travels up her neck, she deepens this kiss smirking at his slight whimper. He moves her onto his lap as she feels him harden beneath her.

His lips trail kisses down her neck making her gasp softly. As his mouth works wonder on a spot close to the middle, she can't help but let out a moan. Traveling one of his hands down, he squeezes her ass before he pulls away.

"This isn't right." He whispers as she continues kissing him.

"No, it isn't right at all." She replies as his hand gently squeezes her neck this time.

"You're my step sister and you're 17." He says.

"Then kiss me until I turn 18." She says making him smirk and continue kissing her neck until he slowly pulls her off him.

"Don't let me do that again, next time I don't think I will be able to stop." He says moving away.

"Then don't." She replies boldy making him laugh before her mom walks into the room.

"It's getting late and I have a surprise tomorrow that I need you functioning for." Her mom says making her nod and say goodnight.

As she walks up the stairs and makes it to her room, she lets out a laugh before getting ready to go to bed.


(A/N: that chapter sucked and I want to apologize, and it would have been better if i wasn't hungover <3)

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