chapter fifteen

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party outfit^^


Walking into the party, she looks to her left to see her sister & Jenna playing beer pong.

Heading the opposite way with Anya & Ev in tow behind her, Hunter looks up to see a tall blonde boy calling her name.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She asks kindly.

"I was the guy that helped you in the airport when you first arrived." He explains.

"David, correct?" She asks looking at him weirdly.

"Yes." He answers.

"Well thank you again, I must be going now." She says steering herself away from the conversation and resuming her place beside Anya.

"Wait!" He calls out before shutting his mouth as she feels someone stand behind her.

"Nevermind." He stutters out, quickly leaving.

"You look stunning." Nick whispers in her ear as he turns her around.

"Do you enjoy scaring people away." She asks rolling her eyes.

"If I am scaring them away from you." He answers with a smirk.

"Always the flirt." She says heading for the drink table with him following her.

"Is it the best idea to get wasted tonight?" He asks after watching her down two cups of vodka.

"Probably not but I deserve a break. If that means get drunk, so be it." She explains grabbing the full bottle this time and walking away making him shake his head in amusement.


Dancing with Ev, she feels eyes on her but ignores them as they dance their hearts out.

"Wanna get out of here?" Anya asks walking up to them.

"Yeah, it is getting late." Hunter responds hiccuping.

As they walk out she notices Nick trailing behind them watching them closely.

"Are you stalking me?" She asks slurring slightly.

"Maybe." Nick jokes before noticing she doesn't have her purse. Not noticing a guy get back in his car once he comes outside.

"Where is your bag?" He asks confused.

"Oh shit, I forgot it." She says running inside quickly as he slowly follows her.

Moving around trying to find it, she doesn't realize Anna walked up to her.

"What are you looking for?" She asks.

"My bag." Hunter answers.

"It's in the closet." Anna says as Hunter pushes her out of her way.

Looking inside, she gasps when she is shoved inside.

"Anna. Anna, no!." She says hyperventilating.

"Open the door, please" Hunter says as her chest tightens as she gets a memory from her past.

"Are you looking for the light switch?" Anna asks laughing.

"Please, this is not fucking funny." Hunter says banging on the door.

"The door is jammed." Anna lies.

"Anna! Help, please!" Hunter pleads.

"Anna, stop." She says as things start to blur, as she blinks she jumps back as she sees her father.

"What's the matter, did you see a monster or what?" Anna says as she continues laughing.

"Anna, open up! Open up!" She says pounding on the door once more as it opens, and she falls into Nick.

"What happened?" He asks holding her to his chest.

"He's in there." She whispers as she comes to her senses.

"You're the fucking monster!" Ev says shoving Anna into a wall.

"Come on, let's go." Nick says trying to push her forward only for her to get out of his arms.

"You complete and utter psycho bitch!" Hunter says slamming her face into the wall before kneeing her in her gut.

"What the hell?" Anna says in pain.

"Good question, maybe next time don't fuck with me." Hunter says before knocking her out with one swift punch to her temple.

"Okay, I am back to falling." Hunter says stumbling backwards as the alcohol hits her once again.

Saying goodnight to Ev, Nick carries her to his car.

With short quiet ride home, they finally arrive.

"I am sorry I didn't get there sooner." He says as he lays her into bed.

"It's not your fault." She says as she begins to strip herself of her clothes.

"Woah there." He says turning around.

"You can look, I don't care." She says as he slowly turns to see her in bed with no clothes on, with only a comforter covering her.

"Ha, made you look." She says giggling making him smile.

As he gets up to let her go to bed, she grabs his arm.

"Please don't go." She pleads.

Taking his shirt and pants off, leaving him only in his boxers.

"Goodnight." He says as he gently climbs in, pulling his arms around her and kissing her forehead.

"Why do you always make it so hard for me to hate you." She asks whispering as she leans in to kiss him. Pulling away before she can, he answers her confusion.

"I would do everything or anything to you Hunter, you know that." He says staring at her with a smile.

"But we won't do anything until there is no fear left in your eyes." He finishes his sentence making her return the smile.

"That's so sweet, you're so cute." She says drunkenly as they fall asleep.


As she slowly opens her eyes, she groans at the sunlight and the reminder of the night before.

"Good morning, Freckles. Are you okay?" Nick says making her turn to him.

"I thought you said you couldn't control yourself when you're near me." She says.

"I should probably go before I do something that proves it and before everyone wakes up." He says about to get out of bed.

"Probably." She says as her stepfather storms in.

"Hunter have you seen-" He says quickly taking in the sight before him. As they both jump to cover themselves, Nick jumps up.

"Listen, I... She just couldn't-" He tries to defend.

"It's Maggie, she is in the hospital." William says ignoring what he walked in on.

"Maggie? What happened?" Nick asks worried making Hunter grasp his hand.

"I think you should hurry to the hospital." His father says rolling his eyes and shaking his head at his son.

"Get ready, we leave in 15." Nick says rushing out of the room.

"Shit." Hunter says hurrying out of bed to try to get ready in fifteen minutes.


(A/N: I tried to get this chapter out quickly but I had to pause the writing for it to evacuate from a tornado. So it took a little longer than I expected but I hope you enjoy <3)

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