Chapter 18

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"What are you doing?" Cole asked Remy, who had her Nintendo switch in hand, plopping down next to her on the couch of the tourbus. The next three days were full travel days, only stopping for gas and food. Friday they would be back in L.A to play their final show of the continental US tour. As much as the group loved tour life, they were all ready to be back in their own homes, ready to sleep late in their own beds.

"Finding the cure for cancer," she told him sarcastically, continuing to play the game and causing her friend to laugh. In the last few weeks Remy had become herself again, cracking jokes and producing music for fun rather than for clients.

"Well, that sounds very important, I want to watch," he told her looking over her shoulder to watch her play Mario Kart. "Rem, you're in last place," he told her.

She laughed quietly. "I never said I was good at this game, I just like to play it," she said closing out the game and tossing her console over to the side. "I know that you guys want to be home as soon as we finish the tour, but Dominic Fike texted me yesterday asking when I would be back in LA to write with him and Remi Wolf. Would that be something you are interested in?"

"Absolutely, I haven't seen Remi in forever, last I heard she was producing an album. It's cool she and Dominic are working on it together, even cooler that he liked working with you enough to ask you to work again," he told her encouragingly.

Braeden stumbled out of the sleeping section of the bus rubbing his eyes. Remy couldn't help but to laugh at the way his curls flopped messily, indicating that he had just woken up from a nap. "Who are you working with again?," he asked her groggily.

"Fike asked her to write with him and Wolf," Cole said excitedly.

"Well they asked if all of us would want to write, not just me. But yea, he texted me yesterday and I think it would be great to hang with Remi and Dominic. I haven't had a good jam session with her in forever, and Dominic is so talented," she explained nervously. She remembered how Braeden acted when he found out Fike was her celebrity crush, and she didn't want to upset him.

"Oh that sounds rad, I'm totally in," he said, throwing himself onto the couch next to her, a crunching sound coming from underneath him. He slowly pushed himself up, Remy's crushed Nintendo switch laying beneath him.

"Oh my god, baby I am so sorry," Braeden said frantically, fully pushing himself off the couch and picking up the device in an attempt to fix it.

Remy's mouth was hung wide open in shock. It may have seemed silly to someone who wasn't stuck on a bus anywhere from 10-24 hours a day, but that gaming console had been the only thing keeping her sane for the last leg of the tour. Slowly she closed her mouth, and the shock transformed into rage. Her face became bright red and she walked from the couch to her bunk without saying a word, knowing if she spoke she would say something she didn't mean.

Braeden watched her walk away, the broken console laying in pieces atop his hands. "She hates me," Braeden said quietly to Cole.

"She doesn't hate you, she just has cabin fever, we all do. I think that was the only thing keeping her from going crazy. Give her some space, let her breathe. She knows it was an accident she just wants to cool down."

Braeden shook his head, pulling out his phone and finding a Walmart close to their next gas stop. He was hoping he could convince the bus driver to allow them to stop at the Walmart to stretch their legs and stock up on snacks for the next three days of driving, while also stopping to buy Remy a new Switch.

As it turned out, it wouldn't take much convincing, because everyone was starting to get antsy. Hours later they were parked in the Walmart parking lot, each with a mission. Braeden, who was still being ignored by Remy, was heading straight for electronics where he reserved the last switch they had in stock. Cole and Remy were on the search for the most bizarre DVD they could find and copious amounts of junk food. Dylan and Lydia were just there to walk around.

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