Chapter 16

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Remy awoke the next morning to a headache that felt as if a woodpecker was eating away at the back of her eyes. Squished into the small hotel bed, she went to roll over and realized she was not alone.

"Lyd, move over you're taking up the entire bed," she mumbled, shoving at her bed partner, however they didn't budge. "Lydia I swear to god if you own't move over I will throw you off this bed," she groaned, rubbing her eyes and opening them.

"HOLY FUCK," she screamed staring at a half naked Braeden peacefully sleeping, well he was peacefully sleeping until she screamed.

"WHAT? WHAT? OH MY GOD WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?" Braeden screamed back, jumping out of bed in only his boxers, pointing at her bare chest.

"WHERE ARE MINE? WHERE ARE YOURS," she accused pulling up the covers to hide herself.

After a moment of staring at each other in silence, Braeden began to laugh, Remy following in suit. "Well, this is definitely another birthday I won't forget," Braeden told her grinning from ear to ear, turning away to find a shirt. In response Remy buried herself under the covers to hide her beat red face. Moments later she felt the bed sink in next to her, Braeden began to rub her back back over the covers.

"We didn't, ya know... have sex did we?" Remy asked him shyly, peaking up from underneath the heavy blankets.

"Oh my god no," Braeden responded, Remy sighing in relief. He continued to inform her on the rest of the night. "We went back inside, we both drank significantly more than we should have. Then instead of going back with Lydia you came home with me because you said I was going to buy you pizza, when I didn't buy you pizza you called me a bad friend. Then we finally got back to the hotel and you complained that the top you were wearing was too tight so you threw off your shirt at and hopped into bed. You fell asleep about 2 minutes later."

"You know, I suddenly do remember all of that. Sorry for being too much last night," she said embarrassedly.

"Remy, it was your birthday and you were drunk! You most certainly weren't too much. Honestly, you're never too much," he told her. "Now get out of bed, I'll give you a shirt you can wear we gotta get out of here. I need to get to soundcheck and sober up a little more so that we can do this whole thing again tonight for my birthday," he told her fishing through his suitcase for an oversized T-shirt.

"So, I guess I'll see you tonight," she said pulling on the shirt he gave her.

"I can't wait," he told her giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "And Rem, I don't kiss and tell, you don't have to worry about me telling the guys. They don't have to know if you don't want them to."

"No you can tell them whatever you want. I just don't want the entire internet knowing about... well whatever this is," she said gesturing between the two of them, smiling softly.

"I have no plans of telling the internet," he told her smiling along.

Remy spent the rest of the day recovering from the night prior. She had kept her phone on silent, sleeping off her hangover and drinking copious amounts of electrolytes and water. As she began to get ready, the door of her hotel room swung open, Lydia bursting through.

"YOU WEREN'T GOING TO TELL ME?" She screamed at the young producer.

"Lydia, what are you talking about?" Remy responded, genuine confusion on her face.

"I had to find out from Dylan that you went home with Braeden last night? And slept in the same bed?! Seriously I thought you were my best friend," Lydia said fake hurt laced throughout her voice.

"Well, if you come in and stop screaming at me I can give you all the details while we get ready for tonight."

After going through every detail, Lydia couldn't help but stare blankly at her best friend. "This is the best day of my life. You guys are finally together. I never have to hear about either of your feelings for each other again," Lydia sighed.

"We aren't together, we just kissed a little and he told me he loved me," Remy said. "Okay, that sounds so stupid out loud. Yeah, I guess we are together."

"So you can celebrate your birthdays as a couple tonight! That is so cute!"

Remy giggled. "No, I'm not ready for everyone in the world to know. Obviously you, your band, the guys, but besides that I think I want it to remain kinda private. Is that weird?"

"Absolutely not. You were just thrown into being the talk of the indie pop world overnight. You're entitled to your privacy. If anyone is going to understand that it's Braeden."

The concert was nothing short of amazing. If New York City knows how to do anything, it's have a great time. The crowd was electric, and when Remy went out on stage to sing R U Bored Yet? With the guys, the crowd went wild. She had never felt so welcome by a massive group of strangers she never knew.

After the show everyone got ready and went to a restaurant close by to celebrate Braeden's birthday. It was nice to see everyone celebrating together and recounting memories from when they were kids. Everyone was going around the table sharing their fondest memories, when it was Remy's turn she knew exactly what she was going to say.

"Braeden and I decided to go to the town pool one day in the summer going into senior year of high school. It was so humid outside and I remember telling Braeden it was going to rain, but he didn't care because Jaimie was lifeguarding that day." The whole group began to break out into laughter, knowing that Braeden would have done anything just to have Jaimie look at him.

"So we get there and Jaimie is on the lifeguard stand so Braeden wanders away to go beg for her attention. I decide that I'm not going to waste a trip to the pool, so I hop in. In the matter of seconds it starts down pouring, and Braeden is still standing there, I run over and grab him to start running. Neither of us had a car at the time and it was a good mile home. So we sprinted in flip flops towels covering our heads. The whole sprint home he kept saying how excited he was that she waved at him."

Everyone laughed together, completely believing that Braeden would do something as stupid as wait out in the rain for a girl who wasn't interested remotely to notice him.

"Well, things have definitely changed," he said putting his arm around her.

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