Chapter 7

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"Yo, does anyone have that demo that Remy recorded for us like 2 years ago? I think I have an idea for that song," Dylan said randomly.

"You're going to have to narrow it down for me, Dyl. We have recorded many songs in the makeshift studio," she said smiling. Today's session had been a bit rough. Lots of writers block and music block for everyone involved, including Marty, who has never had musical block in his life.

"You know which one I'm talking about, ya know that one bum bum bum," Dylan said closing his eyes hard and singing random syllables.

"I promise you, I don't know which one you're talking about," Remy stated. She thought hard about what he could be thinking about, when suddenly it clicked. She pulled out her laptop and played a demo called 'this was chaos'.

"YES, THIS ONE," Dylan shouted happily. They all listened to the chaotic track of Braeden speaking in broken French, Cole beat boxing, and Dylan jamming a little too hard on rhythm guitar.

"So what exactly makes you think that this is the inspiration you were lacking? I thought this was a joke demo," Marty said to the boys.

"This one random verse right here," Dylan said waiting for the words to come to him.

"The pieces fit perspective hits

You realize everything is the same

You say the same lines, all done on my time

As it goes on, I will be gone"

"I'm not trying to be a bitch here, Dyl. I genuinely thought you were trying to be pretentious in that moment coming up with super deep lines while the two idiots spoke in gibbersih," Remy told him.

"Oh I was in the moment. But I remembered it in the shower last night and then thought that it might work for this song," he told her.

After hearing the line, the boys went back into the booth and tried to work in the lyrics to the song. It seemed that this verse was a catalyst for their creativity because shortly they had the bones of a fantastic song.

Marty clapped for them in the way a proud dad claps when their kid scores a goal in soccer. "Alright you guys, that is great. Let's close up for the day and meet back here after the holidays! Good work."

The guys clapped for themselves and began to pack up their belongings. Remy helped them load everything into their respective cars. Just as she and Braeden were about to get into her car, Cole said "What's the move for tonight? It's Christmas Eve and we have not had a single party since we've been home."

Braeden nodded in agreement. "You're right, Cole. It seems as though a holiday party is in order."

Dylan laughed and nodded in agreement. "Oh, I'm in. Remember last holiday party we had? Genessa and Lydia brought that amazing eggnog and got all of us royally fucked up."

"So Rem, are you in?" Cole asked with a hopeful smile.

"I have to ask Kate. You guys know how she is about Christmas. Especially since It's the first one that we've all been home for in like 3 years."

"Let me talk to her," Cole said. "She will definitely say yes."

Braeden shook his head. "Trust me man, nothing gets in the way of Kate and Christmas. It's the one time of year she is not laid back."

"Brae is right. One year I wanted to go to Braeden's house early for a gift exchange and she was so insulted saying that I was being disrespectful to everyone by taking away their joy in seeing us exchange gifts. I don't know, I probably won't be able to make it. You guys should have the party regardless and take lots and lots of photos!"

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