Let The Light In

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Manhattan, New York

-Six Months Later-

"So, what inspired you to start this company?"

"Uh...what did inspire us, Rome?"

"Great. Put me on the spot. Um...well, we both came from family owned companies, so we know the business. And, we just wanted something that we made for ourselves without the help of our families.

"Why a gaming company?"

"It's something that neither of us have had any experience with, so we thought it'd be a fun challenge."

"Last question: what has been the best part of this first year of Labyrinth?"

"The best part? Probably being able to work with Roman."

"I was gonna say the money, but, yeah. Working with you isn't so bad."

"And...cut! Thanks, guys. That was great."

"Thank you."

You got up and took the microphones off of your clothes. He grabbed your hand as you left the building and got into the car. The cameras flashed in your face as you shut the door.

"Anika, please tell me that I'm free for the rest of the day."

"Yes. You're free."

"Thank God."

"You wanna go out to dinner?" He asked you.

"I wanna go home and drink wine on the couch while we argue about what to watch."

"This is why I f*cking love you."

You stood in the bathroom mirror and brushed your teeth. You spit in the sink and wiped your mouth before walking into your bedroom. Roman was laying on the bed while you tied your hair up. He was looking at you for a while until you noticed and turned to him.

"What's up?"

"What would you say if I asked you to marry me?"

"Um...I would say, 'what the f*ck?'"


"Because, we all remember how my last wedding went."

"Well, trust me, this'll be different."

You sat on the bed and leaned over to him.

"Is this you proposing?"


"You're really f*cking bad at this."

"Do you wanna marry me or not?"



"Do you have a ring?"

"What if I did?"

"How many carats?"


"What's the cut?"


"How much was it?"

"A little less than a million."

"That's all I'm worth to you?"

"You have no idea what you're worth to me."

You leaned down to kiss him and you smiled against him lips.

"I suppose I could marry you."

"How kind of you to take pity on me like that."

Let The Light In (Roman Roy x Black!OC)-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now