The Vigilante

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Since the war started between the heroes and villains, the streets of Japan were no longer safe, so many citizens chose to go to a safe zone where they will be protected by pro Heroes. But the pro Heroes who were the strongest chose to continue their fight against the villains. So they remained on the streets, rescuing civilians and stopping villains. Amongst those Heroes was Izuku Midoriya AKA Deku, a student of UA who chose to come alone so he could protect the ones he cherishes and defeat the real threat which is All For One and his successor, Tomura Shigaraki. from doing this he was immediately targeted by different types of assassins who have been sent by All For One, himself. But with each assassin sent, Deku managed to successfully defeat them with his strength and his new found quirks that he has obtained. Due to this, word about a young vigilante taking on and defeating villains begin to spreading quickly amongst the heroes, the villains, and even the safe zones. And in one of those safe zones was Himiko Toga, a key member of the league of villains who has disappeared from their group. But it turns out she has been hiding amongst the civilians in one of the safe zones the entire time by using her quirk to disguise herself and blend in. Her time in the safe zone was quite boring compared to when she was with the league of villain. So once she heard two civilians talk about this young vigilante, it immediately peaked her interest. Due to this she snuck out of the safe zone and to meet this vigilante. But right before she went to where this vigilante was located, she first needed to get some equipment. So she stopped by a nearby neighborhood which has been completely raided by looters. Toga goes into one of the houses and goes upstairs where she then walks into a room that has been completely ransacked, as she steps into the room she goes over towards a rug and lifts it aside, after doing so Toga gets on her knees and pushes down on one of the floorboards making it pop up and letting her lift it out of the way. From doing this she reaches inside the now open floor and pulls out a small duffel bag, which she places in front of her and unzips it, looking inside of the duffel bag she sees her equipment that's has seen better days but could still be used. So she proceeds to take out the equipment from the bag and equip it on to herself, minutes later she steps out of the house with her equipment on and proceed heading towards the direction this vigilante is.

~Toga's mind~

"Get ready Mr. Vigilante, Himiko Toga is coming at cha."


As it was raining once again in the city. Deku was on the side of a building kneeling down next to some gargoyles, which actually made him look like one of these stoned statues. But while there he kept his eyes on the streets just in case he saw a villain or someone in need of help. But while doing so he suddenly received a call from his earpiece.

~All Might~

"Midoriya, it's me, do you copy?"

Hearing All Might's voice, Deku raises up his hand and places two fingers against his right ear.


"Deku here, what seems to be the situation?"

~All Might~

"I got a report from Hawks, he says that there is a villain heading towards your direction, it could be another assassin."


"Maybe, but I'll handle it."

~All Might~

"All right then, but if you need help, Hawks will head towards your direction as quickly as possible."


"Sorry All Might, but I won't be needing his help, Deku out."

With that said, Deku removed his fingers from over his ear and pull down his mask to cover his eyes. After doing so he then stood up and took a step off of the side of the building where he then begin to falling straight down. During the middle of his fall he raised up his left arm and used the quirk black whip to grab hold of another building, which he then used to launch himself up to the rooftop of that building he grabbed hold of. Once landing on the rooftop of the building, the quirk dangerous sense kicks in and warns Deku that there is danger coming from the northwest.

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