Happier With You

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Weeks after the war finally came to an end, people began rebuilding the cities and returning to there regular lives. But as this was happening, the four villains who help Deku during his fight against Shigaraki, for being judged at this very moment. The judge of the Court looked at these four villain who were Lady Nagant, Gentle Criminal, La Brava, and Himiko Toga.


"The four of you are all being judged for the crimes you have committed. But you are also being judged for your actions of helping the heroes. Because if it wasn't for the four of you then that young man wouldn't have defeated the villain who could have killed us all. So the court and I have already chosen your punishment and your reward. So the first person to receive the punishment and reward is Kaina Tsutsumi also known as Lady Nagant."

From the judge saying her name, Lady Nagant steps up and looks directly at the judge.


"Miss Tsutsumi. Your crimes are murder, attempt of murder, and villainy. These crimes will have you served a long sentence in prison. So your punishment will have you returned to prison but your award will have you only serve one year in prison, and your hero license will be returned to you which will allow you to return to be a hero again if you wish. So do you accept your punishment and reward?"

~Lady Nagant~

"Yes I do judge."


"Then that is settled."

With that said the judge then slammed his gavel. From doing so it made Lady Nagant step back to where she was.


"Up next are, Danjuro Tobita and Manami Aiba. Also known by their villain names Gentle Criminal and La Brava."

As gentle Criminal and La Brava stepped up they held each other's hands and looked up at the judge.


"Mr Tobita and Miss. Aiba. Your crimes are villainy, disturbing the peace, an act of violence. These crimes will not get you a long sentence at all. But due to both of your help Toyota in the war, you're punishment will be a year of community service and for your rewards will be your freedom. Also Miss. Aiba, the police have given you an offer to be a hacker for them, if you wish to accept it. So do the both of you accept your punishment and reward.

Looking at one another they smile as they then looked back at the judge.

~Gentle Criminal / La Brava~

"We accept." / "We accept."


"Then that is settled."

From slamming his gavel, La Brava jumped up and hugged Gentle Criminal who he swung her around until eventually placing her back down and stepping back to where they were.


"Finally, Himiko Toga."

With her name being said, Toga and made eye contact with the judge.


"Himiko Toga. (Sigh) Out of those three behind you, you were the hardest to decide a punishment and reward for. Your crimes can have you in jail for the rest of your life. But luckily that won't be the case. I received a letter from a young man."

Hearing him say this sparked Toga's complete attention.


"The letter was about you. You were neglected, ignored, and abandoned by your own parents. All because of your quirk which they wanted you to contain completely. (Sigh) You know I have a granddaughter with a difficult quirk which she has trouble containing as well. Luckily a program has opened up to help people like her. So as your reward you will be sent to that program where you will get the attention that you need and will have to attend therapy sessions. And for your punishment, you will not be allowed to use your quirk anymore. You'll be giving an ankle bracelet that would go off if you use your quirk at all. If that happens you'll be taken to you'll be taken to prison. So do you accept your punishment and your reward?"

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