She Saved Me

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Seeing nothing but pitch black, Deku began to hear a voice calling out to him.


Deku!... Deku!..."

Hearing this voice calling out to him along with a pitched ringing in his ears, he began opening his eyes. What he then cease the person calling out to him.





Hearing Deku say her name, Uraraka hugged him as she shedded a few tears to know that he is okay. But while being hugged by her, Deku saw a large tower made completely out of clones of Twice which were all heading towards a certain direction. While looking at it, dangerous sense kicked in, but the danger sense wasn't reacting to the tower of clones, instead it was reacting to something that was on top of the tower.



As Deku said this, Uraraka stop hugging to look at him. Doing so, she sees that he is looking over at the tower of clones.


"Yeah, that Toga."

Hearing this, Deku sat up as he looked further up at the tower of clones.


"She's going to get hurt."



Uraraka said this as she looking back at Deku who she saw lifting himself up back to his feet. Seeing that she helped him up.


"Take it easy Deku. You hit the ground pretty hard."


"I'm fine Uraraka. You should be worried about everyone else."


"Everyone else is fine. You're the only one that got hurt during that explosion of clones. But seeing that you are managing to stand on your own two feet, then I suggest you should leave."




"Look, you stayed here long enough. So go and face Shigaraki, he is your main priority. So just go. We'll handle things from here and put a stop to Toga. Now go."

Hearing this, Deku took one more look at the tower of clones as he then looks over at Uraraka.


"Okay, I'll go."


"Good, now get going."

Uraraka says this as she turns Deku around and pushes him towards the direction he needs to go. Have to doing this she runs back to where everyone else is. Once she was gone, Deku begin walking forward, but while doing so, his foot suddenly bumped into something. Looking down he sees Toga's equipment that she uses to take blood. While looking at it, danger sense kicked in once again. Looking back at the tower of clones, Deku raises his head up and looks to wear the very top of the tower is seeing that he makes a decision. As Uraraka eventually made it back to everyone else, she saw that they were facing off against the clones of Twice, so she ran in to help them. But while running in, a trail of green sparks ran past her which she already knew who it belonged to.



Running directly towards the Tower of clones was Deku who was equipped with a part of Toga's equipment. But running towards the tower, the twice clones that were facing off against the other Heroes turn their attention on Deku, knowing that he poses a threat on the tower. So they all began running after him from behind. But while running towards the tower more clones of Twice split away from the tower and began running towards Deku as well. With large numbers of Twices coming from ahead and behind, Deku was not worried one bit at all as he continued running towards the tower. Finally getting close enough to the tower, Deku stopped as he began using the quirk fa jin but bending his knees over and over again. But while he did this, the large number of Twices began closing in on him. As each group was now close, Deku's legs we're now glowing with energy. So with all the build-up energy, Deku jumped up into the air, while making large cracks into the ground which which the large group of twice is ended up tripping off and crashing into one another. While all this was happening, there was one Twice on the very top of the tower who's clearly Toga who was controlling all of the Twices.

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