Our Reasons

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After dealing with The armed villains who were stuck piling weapons, Deku contacted the other pro Heroes to tell them weather weapons and the unconscious guns are located. Afterwards Deku and Toga went into a warehouse that was just on the other side where Deku just dealt with those villains.  Well inside they were both on the top floor, letting Deku see out the window while having some of the cuts on his body stitched up. But not having any medicine to nullify the pain, Deku had to endure the needle and thread passing through his skin. But as Deku let out grounds of pain, he heard Toga giggle under her breath each time he groaned.


"You know I can hear you laughing, right?"


"Sorry about that, just a little habit of mine."


"Do you actually find it funny putting me through pain."


"A little. But to be honest I like the sounds of your little grounds. They sound cute, hehe."

Hearing that, Deku found it a bit odd for her to think that a sound he is making is actually cute.


"But if my giggling is bothering you, then I'll stop."


"No, it's not bothering me at all. Continue what you are doing."


"Will do."

While being stitched up, Deku look out the window and saw that the cops have arrived at the warehouse where the group of unconscious villains and the stockpiled weapons where.


"So Izuku. Can I ask you something that I've been wondering?"

Hearing Toga say this, Deku looks away from the window and looks over his shoulder to look at Toga.


"What is it?"


"Well since you're out here doing hero stuff. I was wondering where all your little friends were?"


"What do you want to know that?"


"Just asking that's all."

Looking over at her, Deku knew it'll be safe for him to tell her since everyone he cares about is in UA.


"There at UA."


"UA huh? So why aren't you with them?"


"I can ask you the same thing."

With Deku saying that, Toga stops mid stitch for a second until continuing stitching Deku's wound.


"You tell me your reason then I'll tell you mine. Sounds good?"


"All right. The reason why I'm not with them is because I want to keep them safe. A few of my friends got really hurt the last time we were all on a mission. Those few could have died too. So I decided to leave UA without telling anyone."


"So you just left without saying goodbye huh?"


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