Needed A Little Help

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As a group of villains were gathered in a warehouse next to the docks, where they were stockpiling weapons for a raid on a safe zone.


"Once we get all these weapons sorted out we'll head out to that safe zone and take what we want from there."

~Villain 2~

"Good plan boss. The heroes won't know what hit him."


"You got that right."

Suddenly there was a sound of broken glass hitting the floor which grab the attention of many of the villains inside the warehouse.


"The hell was that?"


"I don't know, but we'll go check it out."

A group of five armed villains began heading to where the sound of broken glass came from. As they got closer and closer they discovered large shards of glass. The villain leading the group, looks up and sees one of the windows connected to the roof that has been shattered. Afterwards he looks back down at the glass and begin wondering how this window broke all of a sudden. While thinking this, the group behind him were suddenly grabbed and pulled up without them uttering a single word.


"Hmm, better report this back to the boss."

As a villain turned around he saw that his group was now gone.


"Uh, guys?"

Wondering where the others have gone he suddenly hears groaning from above. So he looks up at the dark ceiling, he aims his gun up and turns on the flashlight attached to it. Doing so he suddenly sees the others hanging from their feet from the beams above. As he begins shining his light on the others, he suddenly notices a figure standing on the beam that the villains are hanging off from. The villain raises up his gun and shine the light on the figure who turns out to be Deku who looked quite monstrous.


"What the hell!?"

As the villain switches off the safety of his gun and prepares to pull the trigger, Deku launches himself towards him. Sounds of gunfire echo through the warehouse until it went silent. The other group of villains who were stockpiling the weapons hear this and begin grabbing their own weapon from the crates. A while looking towards the direction where the gunfire came from, the lights suddenly begin switching off completely, leaving them all blind in the dark. With the villains unable to see, all they could do is hear the rain that is hitting the roof on the warehouse and the sounds of thunder on the outside. But as lightning begin shining through some of the windows, one of the villains suddenly spotted Deku on the beam above. So the villain quickly aimed his gun and pulled the trigger, but as soon as he did show the lightning vanished making everything fall into darkness once again. As that villain shot up to the ceiling, the others begin doing the same. But while doing this, they were suddenly bein taken out one by one until eventually all the gun fire suddenly stopped. As the warehouse fell silent, the lights suddenly turned back on and revealed the boss of the villains, who looks out to see the others beaten unconscious. Seeing this he was unable to comprehend on who was able to do this in a matter of minutes.


"Your plan has been foiled. Surrender now and you won't get hurt."

Hearing this from behind, the boss turns around and sees Deku standing there with both of his fist clenched.

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