Teenage curiosities

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"Bondita....Why is it taking so long?Come quickly. We are getting late" shouted Anirudh fifth time.

He was standing on the doorstep, holding their tiffin along with his bag.

"Just a minute Sakha babu" came her voice from his study.

"You have been saying this for the whole half an hour. Madame, hang up the phone. You can still talk to your dear Kaka Sasur Ji after coming from school" He shouted with irritation.

His Kaka. Huff!!! Sometimes he is too much to handle and on the top of that his Bahu. They are just impossible.

Why did Kaka need to call them in the morning when he had talked to both of them on the phone last night itself?
Last night when both of them were going to sleep only then his call came and he talked to both of them whole heartedly .

So now what was the need to call him so early in the morning. He knows very well how much work they both have in the morning, they also have to go to school.

He was not even able to forbid Bondita from talking to him. She was pleading with so much love that he melted at the sight of her innocent face.

He smiled while remembering her innocent pleadings.

"Sakha Babu please. I want to talk to Kaka Sasur Ji"

"Bondita, we will be late"

"Please. I am missing all of them. Very much"

"Haven't you talked to them yesterday. And apart from that you can talk to them after School". His heart was already melting at her cute face.

"Please. Please please...."

"Huh...Ok..just for 10 minutes. Not more than that"


She can make him change his firm decisions and that too in an instant. Looks like Barrister babu has got possessed by her.

In no time she came running out of the quarter while uttering "Let's go Sakha babu. We are getting late", panting in between.

She approached towards car before him while he followed her slowly. "Oh! I didn't know that we were getting late" he said to her sarcastically while settling all his belongings in the car.

"Offo Sakha babu! How much do you talk. We are getting late because of you" she replied, impatiently.

"Huhhh? I talk too much? And we are getting late because of me? " he demanded, not at all shocked by her behaviour.

She do this alot. By making mistakes herself, she puts all the blame on him. Always. But he finds her this accent cute though.

"Offo! Sakha babu. Remember. We are getting late" she reminded him.

He chuckled while shaking his head and sat on his seat. He drove towards the School.

She was very impatient to go to School today. After all she had very important things to deal with. First of all she had to meet her new friends and secondly she had a lot to find out. A lot to find out about her feelings.

Few minutes ago......

"By the way Bahu, Are you doing well there?"

"Yes Kaka Sasur ji. You have asked this question for the tenth time since yesterday. I know that you care for us. But still....you tell me that you are taking care of yourself there or not?"

"Yes Bahu we are all right....Bahu...Tell me one thing......"

"Ji Kaka Sasur ji"

"Is  Anirudh standing next to you?"

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