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Author's Note

Hey guys:

This is a Zombie Outbreak!

You may think this is just a cheap copy of Walking dead or Resident Evil but, your wrong. The main character here is a little girl named 'Jade'. Will she be afraid of what's going to happen?

-Hell Noo!

She will Punch,Kick,Stab and Kill anything or Anywone that stands in here way. This is real live and not a game but, For her is

Who likes to see little girls kicking butt?

Answer: Fucking Everyone!

-End of author's note

I'm a survivor of the outbreak, Zombies,Undead,Walkers;whatever you fucking wanna call them. They're real, they eat and kill. A few are slower but very strong, others are faster. I'm trying to survive this hell, this is my story of what happened or what's going to happen. So read this, Im going to tell you how to survive but first lets start from the beginning...


My name is Jade Knightley and i'm 13 and a half years old. I was born in China, Beijing but me and my mom moved to the United States last week. I don't want to live her but, My mom is the Vice president of a tecnology corporation that recently expanded to the USA. Which means she was incharge of managing there tecnology and expandation in the USA. She is the type of mother you americans would call...a...What was it again?

Ohh yeah a...


My dad is what you'll call and 'Asshole' Why is that you ask? Well one thing is he left me when I was 6 and the other is that I still see him once a year for like a few hours. He likes to travel the world and shit. My mom is into tech and he's into nature, Pretty ironic don't you think? He recently is contacting me and sending me gifts and cards. I don't answer any of his calls, I think is to late for him to play daddy.

Anyway this story is about moi...

(Not to brag or anything)

Im 13 but i'm smarter than the avereage 30 year old. Thats why im in High school or will be today anyway. I've been skipping grades sence I was 7, when i learned 5 different languages and out smarted a few teachers. Well all of them...

After they made me take some test and sh*t, the results were higher than the average intelligence. I went to a special school for five years; then i decided to make a deal with my mom's lawyer to let me go to a normal school. Instead of being in my normal grade, I'm going to be with students 3 or 4 years older than me.

"That really is going to Fucking Ruin everthing!"

Dear readers: Get ready to meet the Real Jade.



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