getting to know him

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Jeanna's pov (Still that night)

I walk in my home and I see everyone laughing, talking, and dancing. Everyone looks so happy, they look as though they are having a great time. Before I can get to the stair case my father and mother comes rushing to me bombarding me with questions.

Darling where we're you? I was worried sick about you my mother said

I thought I asked you too be home before sun down dear my father said

I smiled and said mother...father I apologize for being late, time had gotten away from me but I'm fine other wise.

My mother wiped away her concerned face, she smiled and said oh darling it's alright there's someone me and your father wanted you to meet

My smile grew more and more really who? I asked

Rebekah dear come on my mother said as she motioned her hand for her to come over.

A beautiful blonde haired woman approached us.

Hello darling my name is Rebekah, Rebekah Mikaelson she says.

My eyes get as big as marbles as I realize the last name also belongs to Klaus. Well hello my name is Jeanna Lokadottir nice to meet you I said with a smile.

Well you girls go on and get to know each other my father said and walked away with my mother in locked arms.

Well shall we go be girls and meet boys or are we just going to stand here she asked

I smiled and said let's go be girls and meet boys

We walked around looking for the most handsomest boy worthy enough for our attention. Their were other beautiful woman here but me and Rebekah were the ones with the unique beauty. Rebekah saw someone worth her attention so she decided to engage a conversation with him. I waited for her to come back and after a few minutes she did.

How did it go I said with a smile

Sadly he wasn't my type she said in her heavy accent.

Oh well maybe we could find some other boys later let's just have fun for right now I said

So I assume you've met my brother Klaus haven't you? She asked as if she already knew the answer.

Yes we met in the woods... He saved my life actually I said

Suprised he didn't let whoever it was kill you she said blankly

I'm not quite sure if I understand what your saying i said

My brother is not what he looks like she said as if she was warning me

Yes, a man who is afraid to let anyone love that gentle, kind part of him because he's afraid it will make him powerless like his father made him

You read him like he was a book she said suprised

Not really just from what my mother has told me about your family. How does she know about your family?

Well your mom used to take care of us when we were children, she left before we became vampires.

That was years ago I don't understand I said

I don't either, I don't know how she's still alive after all these years.... Anyway off that subject I see we are going to be great friends.

I smiled and looked at her yes that would be nice and we laughed.

It's getting late everyone is leaving I day goodbye to my new friend Rebekah and I go upstairs to my room. I put on my night gown and fall asleep thinking about the events that has happened today, especially Klaus.

The next day

Jeanna's pov

I wake up energized and full of excitement for no absolute reason. I bathe, brush my teeth and I put on my beautiful light pink dress that showed off my shoulders and I wear my diamond necklace with my long curly hair out. I walk downstairs to see a nice breakfast on the table with a note.

Dear Jeanna

Me and your mother have to go over seas for a 2 weeks, it will be our 10th anniversary, we've asked Rebekah to keep you company and look out for you. If you need money you know exactly where to find it darling.


Finally I can I have my big home to myself for a while. I sit down and start to eat then I hear a knock at the door. I get up and go answer it, I open the door to see a smiling Klaus.

Hello love he says while taking my hand as he kissed it.

Hello Klaus I said smiling, would you like to come in? I said opening the door a little wider

You have to invite me in darling he said with a smirk

Oh I apologize... Come in I said, he walked in and I shut the door behind him.

I'm terribly sorry for my behavior last night he said in a serious tone.

It's alright I apologize for talking to you as if I knew you .

That's the thing darling you do know me more then anyone else and we just met he said walking closer and closer to me.

Yes but I don't want to know just a piece of you that's broken I want to know everything about you.

His face got serious if you knew who I really were you wouldn't want to associate yourself with me.

Maybe, maybe not you never know Klaus you couldn't be that bad, you saved me last night instead of letting that man do what he wanted to me, And for that I am very greatful

You are very exquisite your mother has raised such fine beauty. Out of all the woman in the world and I come across you he says coming closer to the point where our bodies touch.

He made me nervous, my balance was unsteady and I almost fall over but just in time he caught me.His big manly hands on my petite waste made my shiver. His hands felt so good, as if he never wanted to let me go. We sat there looking in each other's eyes admiring the beauty of them. He started to lean in to kiss me but I backed away. As much as I wanted to i didn't want to kiss him without knowing everything about him. As handsome as he is the kiss could have lead to something else.

Well love I can tell you everything about me if you would agree to walk with me at the park.

I would love too I said with a smile

Unconditional love (a Klaus love story)Where stories live. Discover now