getting to know him pt2

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Jeanna's pov

So we are walking towards the park which is 2 blocks away from my home. I honestly don't mind walking, I find it peaceful and mirthful. We are walking in locked arms.

So love what do you want to know about me he said

Let's start with your siblings I said with a smile

Well let's start with my eldest brother Finn he thinks we are all damned, he is ashamed of all of us including himself. My brother Elijah the noble one if he has made a promise he strongly intends to keep that promise, he actually might fancy you love. My youngest brother Kol he is the rowdy one of us all, it's like he has no humanity. Rebekah the one who longs for love, but her loyalty to one is very important to her.

So where are Elijah, Finn, and Kol I asked

Finn and Kol are daggered in coffins darling. But Elijah on the other hand is back at my residence.

We just arrived to the park, we start walking around

So you daggered your own flesh and blood I said in a serious tone.

Yes but it was for the greater good. Finn needed to be put down as well as Kol.

Hmm...What is your full name Mr.Mikaelson I said with a smirk

Niklaus he said

Niklaus....Hmmm I like it I think I should start calling you that I said with a smirk

No please don't I prefer Klaus he said

I smiled what are your hobbies I asked

I find painting entertaining he said.

Hmmmm can I ask you something and Please answer honestly.

Yes my dear he said grinning.

Have you killed just because you felt like it I asked in a serious tone.

He hesitated yes plenty of times.

Hmm ok I said blankly

I hope nun of this changes how you see me.

No it doesn't, do you know what I see when I look at you? I don't see the bastard child, I don't see a monster, I don't see an abomination. I see a man afraid to let anyone get close to him, a man who is afraid to feel powerless. I see you Klaus, I said as I put my hand on his cheek

Do you know what I see in you darling? I see a beautiful woman who is afraid to let anyone have her heart. A woman with so much passion but no one to give it to. A woman who is afraid to even have her first kiss, fear of abandonment.

It brought tears to my eyes because he was telling the truth. It feels like this man has known me for years. Like we were meant to be. I have never felt a connection like that with anybody at all I felt it as soon as I laid my eyes on him. He put his hand on my cheek wiping away my tears with his thumb. I put my hand on his so he could keep it on my cheek, we sat there listening to everyone and everything around us.I closed my eyes and started to hum a song my mother used to hum to me as a child. I opened my eyes and looked into his. God he is soo handsome,I want to kiss him badly but I don't want to rush things. We walked around the park talking, laughing, and joking around. It was getting dark really fast then out of no where it started to rain. We looked up at the sky started to run to my home while we were laughing. We finally got to my house but we were soaking wet.

Darling you are soaked i said looking at his soaking wet clothes, well you can't go back out there in the rain you may stay here the night. Go ahead and bathe I will hang up your clothes to dry and I will bring you a fresh towel.

So generous of you, won't your parents be home love.

No they are on vacation for 2 weeks

That's all I need for you to fall in love with me he said with a smirk

I giggled ok Mr. Mikaelson.

He went to go bath and I went to do the same. 30 minutes later I come out of my bathtub and put on my night gown. I then remembered I had to hang up Niklaus clothes and give him a towel. I knock on the guest room bathroom and I see a naked Klaus before me.

Oh my god I am so sorry Niklaus, I mean Klaus I said while shutting my eyes and blushing with my heart racing.

It's alright love do you have that towel.

Yes I said handing him one with my eyes still closed. I'm going to go get some sleeping clothes for you.

I walk out and open my eyes and go to my father's room and I go in one of his drawers and I find a pair of pants and a shirt to match. I go back to the bathroom but I find that Klaus isn't there. I go to my room and he isn't their either.I went to the kitchen he isn't their either. I turn around to go back upstairs but their Klaus is standing close to me looking down at me with his towel wrapped around his waist.

Umm here I said handing the clothes to him my heart beating faster then before.

Thanks darling he went into the guest bathroom and changed his clothes while I hopped in my bed. Looking out the window watching the rain drops falling against it. I turned off my light and I got comfortable in my bed. 20 minutes later I'm still not asleep I can't go to sleep. I'm terribly hot in this stuffy room. I get up and go to the kitchen and pour me a glass of water.I drink that really quick and I start walking back up the stairs. As I'm walking down the hallway . I peek in Niklaus's room and I see him sleeping peacefully with his shirt off, my weakness "muscles". I turn around and Niklaus is standing in front of me. I jump frightened

I am never going to get used to that I said calming down and smiling a little.

He smirks what are you doing up so late love

I was hot and I couldn't sleep I said while my eyes were rolling down his body admiring how good he looked giving me butterflies in my stomach. I came back to my senses, ok well goodnight Klaus I said smiling and walking away. I got back to my room and it was hotter than before so tonight I suppose I'm sleeping nude. I take off my night gown and climb into my bed putting the covers back over me. I feel much more comfortable now and second later I fall fast asleep.

Next morning

Jeanna's pov

I woke up with the sun shining on my face and hearing the birds chirping. I get up with the sheet wrapped around my body and I go to y window and I just stare at the outside. I bring myself back from my glaze I turn around and once again Niklaus right infront of me looking down at me.

Oh my god Niklaus I yelled with my nose flared signaling I was upset and frightened.

Good morning to you too love he said with a smirk

Good morning Klaus I said trying not to smile.

Well I see you were hot last night considering the fact that your naked under that sheet he said as he looked down at my body smiling.

I lifted his head up a little so he could look at my face, up here darling I said with a smirk

He grinned get dressed love I would like to take you to see my home he said as he backed up

I came closer what if I don't feel like getting dressed I said flirtatiously.

He backed up to the point where he had to sit on my bed, then I could dress you myself he said a little nervously.

Awww do I make you nervous I said whispering in his ear and kissing his cheek and neck

Absolutely not he said as if he was lying.

Well that's too bad I said putting my finger on his bottom lip and walking away into my bathroom.

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