meeting him

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Jeanna's pov

Hello I'm Jeanna and I'm going to tell you my story about my Unconditional love.I'm going to take you back to my days, yes I am a vampire.Klaus was basically forced to turn me into his kind. But the thing is I'm a witch too, I still have my powers Im not sure If there are any out there like me but I'm counting on it. So shall we get on with the story....

June 1 1849 ( Jeanna's pov )

Today I feel like going out and just take a long walk and admire the beauty of the town I live in. Yes I am black but my father is white and he refuses to treat me and my mother like a slave. My father is a very wealthy man, he spoils me to death. My mother on the other hand is like another part of me she understands me well and loves me with her all. But I also want someone other than my parents to love me in ways that are indescribable. I get out of bed and bathe and put my beautiful white dress on along with my pearl earings, with my white shoes. I go downstairs to see my father sitting at the dinning area doing paper work.

Good morning my darling how was your sleep he said

It was wonderful father I replied kissing his cheek

That's good my dear

Father is it ok if I go out walking today it's very beautiful out I said

Yes my dear but I need you back before sun down we are having a nice feast for all the family's in this town

Ok father I promise I said while leaving

As soon as I walk out the doors of my home I see lots of women and men walking together locking arms as if they were a happily married couple. I start walking and I look up at the sky looking at the clouds moving slowly in one direction. The way I see it the clouds are free from this treacherous world. They don't stay in one place they move constantly. Ugh I see a woman holding up a little umbrella, oh how much I hate it when women walk around with those things. Someone bumps into me breaking my thoughts making me stumble back a bit.

Excuse me I am so sorry I said apologizing

It was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going my lady the man said with a apologetic look on his face

I smile loosening up my face to look kind saying it's fine sir,and I keep walking. That's exactly my problem I don't give men the time of the day at all under no circumstances. The thing is I'm just afraid of getting hurt by the one I love the most.... No that couldn't be it there has to be more to it, perhaps maybe abandonment. I'm not sure I just want my first time and my first boyfriend to be my first love. Time goes by quickly, it's dark my father is probably worrying about me, it's ok I will make the feast in time. I decided to take a shortcut home which is the woods. I'm not really scared to be truthful I've taken this way many times before. I started to hum a luliby my mother used to sing to me as a little girl. I hear the sound of a twig snap and I stop humming and I stop walking.I stand there and listen for a moment, if I'm not mistaken I heard as if someone had ran so quickly behind me. Then out of no where a man pins me against a tree by my neck. It looks like his veins are popping out from under his eyes. I look at him with terror in my eyes and scream as loudly as I could. The man smiles but shortly after his smile fades away and his grip loosens up, finally he lets me go dropping me to the ground trying to get my breathing in order. But the man drops to the ground as if his body was lifeless revealing another man behind him holding what looks like the other man's heart. I look up at the smiling man in front of my eyes. God he is beautiful,his small petite lips along with his blond hair.

Hello my darling he said as he throws the man's heart on the ground and wipes his fingers off with his handkerchief and holds his hand out to help me up

I hesitantly grab his hand and I get up hello sir I said

What is a pretty little women like you doing in the woods he said with a sly tone

It was a quicker way home I said looking into his baby blue eyes.

He smiled well shouldn't I walk you home wouldn't want anything else to happen to you out here

I didn't want to have a repeat of what happened earlier and also I don't know this man so why the hell would I want him walking me home. I hesitantly said yes and I started walking as he followed

So what's your name love? He asked with his heavy British accent

I smiled brushing away the fact that he just ripped a man's heart out, my name is Jeanna Lokadottir I said

Ahhhh a Vikings last name he said in a suprised tone.

Yes, I what's your name?

Klaus Mikaelson my love he said while looking in my deep Brown eyes.

I wonder what it would be like to just kiss him, I like how it seems as though he's happy but his eyes tell me a different story. I'm not quite sure if I should trust him even though he just saved my life...wait a minute how did he rip that man's heart out with ease.

I'm sorry I must ask how did you rip out that man's heart like that I said in a serious tone

Because my darling I am a original vampire my mother Esther made me this way because of a terrible accident when I was younger.

My mother once told me about the original vampires she told me that they were a broken family and that the father resented one of out of all the children..... Klaus. My face saddened and I walked closer to him and put my hand on his right cheek and kissed his left cheek and whispered into his ear "I'm sorry for what your father has done to your family". Klaus's face turned serious he backed away from me.

You know nothing he said with anger in his voice.

But I do my mother amora told me story's about you and your family.

You don't know how much pain that man has put me through you know nothing he said basically yelling

I know that he isn't your real father, I know he killed your biological father, I know he didn't except you, I know he thought you were only a boy and never a man, I know....(gco)

STOP!!! Don't you patronize me he said walking closer looking into my eyes.

As intimidated I am at the moment I still see how he doesn't want to let me in I mean we just met so what can you expect. I put a smile on my face and put both of my hands on his face and look into his deep baby blue eyes I say I feel your pain to not have anyone to love you to put up a wall to protect your heart from being broken. I see tears forming in his eyes he grabs my hands and pulls them down to our sides. He kisses my cheek and dissapears in a flash. I walk the rest of the way home dumbfounded. I couldn't get Klaus Mikaelson off of my mind I actually let him in, I let my guard down for the first time for someone I rarely know.

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