Chapter 23

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This morning when I woke up Loki was already up. He informed me that he and Thor would be in a meeting with the king and the council. He quickly switched his pj's for his regular Asgardian clothing and told me he'd see me later.

After getting dressed myself and a small breakfast I found my way into the library. Loki had showed it to me on my first day here but I hadn't been able to take a good look around.

Many rows of books later, I found a title that caught my eye.

Universal Weapons and Treasures

As always, my curiosity got the best of me and the book was in my hands. I found a nice cushioned window seat and I ended up there.

Some of these weapons were genius and others looked like they only caused trouble for people. More than enough were rumored to be cursed and those were the ones that were destroyed or locked away for good.

The Infinity Gems

Also known as Soul Gems, these six stones gives the holder the ability to potentially command whatever aspect of existence the gem represents. The gems are indestructible but not immutable.







The gems are usually kept in the Infinity Gauntlet.

Last known beholder of the Infinity Gems and/or Infinity Gauntlet: Thanos

I had to put down the book to retain what I just read.

Thanos had these gems and that's how he's been getting to me. He visits me in my dreams and alters them with the Mind and Reality stones. Ironically, I feel lucky that he didn't just suck out my soul with the Soul stone

Reading through the rest of the text I tried to find out if there was a way to destroy the stones. They weren't immutable so they could be changed, but changed how?

I have to tell Loki and Thor.

But their in a meeting and I can't just burst in there.

Marking my place with a piece of paper, I headed back to my room. I'd have to find Loki and Thor after the meeting. Odin likes me but that doesn't mean he'll still like me if I walk into a 'royal's only' meeting to tell his sons a theory of mine.

If my theory does turn out to be right I might be able to go back to Earth to start the fight against Thanos. The thought made my heart yearn for the Tower and the people it gave a home to.

When the doors of my and Loki's chambers came into view I saw a figure standing in front, knocking on the door. As I got closer I discovered that it was Sif. She was dressed in pants and a tunic that stopped at the top of her knees.

Training clothes.

"Sif." I said, letting her know I was approaching.

"Angela," she turned to me. "I was looking for you. Do you feel up to training today?"

I was about to say no, but I had nothing to do until the guys got out of their meeting. All there was to do was wait, possibly pull my hair out, and re-read the book in my hand.

"Yeah. I would like that. Let me change and put this down." I answered, holding the door open behind me for her to follow.

She waited in the sitting room while I changed into an outfit similar to hers but instead of a dark maroon, mine was dark green. Lacing up my boots, I caught my reflection in the mirror.

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