Chapter 11

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*Angela's POV*
That night I didn't have a nightmare of Thanos, instead I had a dream of Loki.

I was standing in a beautiful garden that I had never seen before. I looked down to see that I was wearing a simple dark green dress with a golden belt and matching sandal.
Wondering around the garden, I found a bench sitting in front of a fountain. Gold coins were soaking in the bottom of the fountain. I reached out to grab on but a voice stopped me.

"Stealing wishes I see."

I turned around to see Loki wearing leather pants and a green shirt that matched my dress.

"I think of it as borrowing without permission." I smirked, walking towards him and he did the same. My arms found their way around his neck and his hands rested on my waist.

"Kind of what you have done with my heart." he said sweetly.

I leaned forward like I was about to tell him a secret.

"You're the one who gave me the key."

Loki leaned forward as well, but instead of saying something he connected his lips with mine. I melted into the kiss that made my stomach do flips. We pulled away from each other, a smile playing on Loki's lips. I'm sure there was a similar one on my own.

"I love you." he said, putting his forehead against mine.

"I love you, too." I admitted.

I bolted up in my bed, gasping for air as if I just broke through waves.

"What was that?" I demanded of myself.

Thankfully, no one was in my room so they wouldn't question me. I looked at my nightstand to see a note from Steve. Picking it up, I began to read.

I've left to visit friend in D.C. So there will be no training today.
Have fun!

I crumpled the note in my fist and threw it in the trash nearby.

Great, I thought. I have a crazy dream and no distraction.

My finger moved to my lips absentmindedly. It was kind of nice to be kissed by him.
I quickly scolded myself.

But it was just a dream. Nothing more than a figment of my imagination.

Why am I imagining it then? Loki has no feelings of love towards me whatsoever, right? I was suppose to look in his mind today, should I try to find what he thinks of me as?
A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in!" I called, getting out of bed as Natasha enters my room.

"Good, you're awake."

"Yep. What's up?" I started to remake my bed, something I do if I'm nervous or hiding something and right now, both were occurring.

"Seeing if you got the Cap's note and telling you that were taking you out."

"We?" I asked suspiciously.

"Pepper and I are taking you dress shopping."


"The sooner you get ready and get you butt downstairs, the sooner you'll know." Was all she said before leaving.

What would I need a dress for? I barely go out as it is.

Quickly taking a shower and getting dressed, I wondered what day it was. Thanksgiving was last week so it had to be December.

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