part #2

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Y/N' s pov
I was sleeping peacefully until my alarm started ringing . Then I woke up and saw the time and it was already 7 am and I have an interview at 8 am . I quickly got out of bed started doing my morning routine and got ready wearing a simple dress and light make up made my hairs and went downstairs for preparing breakfast.

As I came down I saw breakfast and a note on the dining table from Ben.

Good morning, Sister.
I was getting late so I ate my breakfast and headed to school don't worry about me and have breakfast before you go for an interview . I will be back home by 5 PM and best of luck for your interview.

Y/N's pov
I read the letter and ate my breakfast made by my brother
And left for interview. Actually I am going to Jeon's Corporations
For my interview as a secretary
I heard in news that they want a
New secretary so I thought why not give it a try.

Jk's pov
I was in my cabin working on
My laptop suddenly I heard a
Knock on the door I replied come in it was taehyung .

Jungkook: anything important.

Taehyung: No.

Jungkook: then why so sudden.

Taehyung: I want tell you about
Your old secretary.

Jungkook: what ?

Taehyung: as we suspected she is a spy send by "Kai."

Jungkook: I knew it .

Taehyung: so what should we do next?

Jungkook: torture her and then kill her make sure she should look very miserable and is unrecognizable and send her body back to Kai for funeral.

Taehyung: Okay as you say I also want to tell you that I have assigned a new secretary for you
And she will be coming today at 8 am for an interview.

Jungkook: did you do a background check on her what if she is also a spy

Taehyung: yes I did it And she has no connection with underworld and is clean.

Jungkook: okay I will meet her.

Taehyung: okay I will be leaving now you may continue and call if something is needed.

I was running towards the CEO
office as I was already late. I bumped into someone he was very cute I was lost in my thoughts then suddenly that guy

Jimin's pov
I was checking on staff's when suddenly I felt some pain in my chest I looked down only to find a girl she was so beautiful and
Breathtaking she was just staring
At me so I asked her.

Jimin: why in a hurry miss ?

Y/N : I am really sorry I didn't
Saw you as I was late for my interview.

Jimin: interview for what ?

Y/N : as a secretary

Jimin: ooh nice to meet you I am the manager here hope you get this job.

Y/N:  thank you so much I will get
Going as I am already late for my
Interview nice to meet you too. Can you tell me where is the CEO

Jimin: oh sure it is on the 2nd floor as you go out from lift take the first right and go straight or
If you don't remember ask anyone

Y/N: okay thank you for your help.

Jimin's pov
She left from here as she was getting late . Such a nice girl. She was late but then to she didn't
Talked rudely with me . I hope she
Get this job.

Jungkook's pov
I was working on my laptop and heard a knock I said come in without looking at the door. The door opened but I didn't looked up as I was busy.

Y/N 's pov
I entered the cabin and saw a man sitting on the chair and working on his laptop he didn't looked up I looked at my watch and it was 8:10 am so I thought he
May be angry.I started the conversation.

Y/N: I am really sorry for being late actually it was because of traffic on the road.

Jungkook 's pov
As soon as I heard a soft girly voice I shot my head up looking at
The most beautiful girl in the whole world . She was so beautiful
And mesmerising I fell for her 
"I think love at first side maybe" .

" I need her for me she is mine
My princess".

Author's pov
* hope you all enjoyed the first
Chapter do vote and comment
And sorry for the short chapters
I know it is very boring but
Soon there would be many twists and turns .

Plz vote and comment stay healthy you all eat alot and sleep
But study too.


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