part #5

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Y/N 's pov
I told him everything but then I realised that I was sitting on his lap so immediately got up and stood far away from the chair.
I noticed him smiling at my behaviour. But immediately made his face in a serious one.He then spoked.

Jungkook: It's okay y/n plz don't cry and promise me from now on you will tell me everything whether it is good or bad we can be good friends but I will not leave him this easy I will fire him from this job and teach him a lesson.

Y/N 's pov
He is so nice he understands me even he met me today itself but I don't want anyone to be get fired because of me.

Y/N: N-no plz don't fire him.

Jungkook: why?

Y/N: because I don't want him to say that because of me he lost his job he may have a family to look after what will happen to them.

Jungkook's pov
She is so nice that he misbehaved with her but than to she doesn't want him to get punished

Jungkook : don't worry we did background check on every employee before we hire them so from the information we have he has no family he is bachelor. And you don't have to feel guilty it's not your problem if he gets fired.

Y/N: o-okay as you say s-sir and thank you so much for understanding and comforting me.

Jungkook: Hey Y/N don't say thank you we are friends now and you can call me by my name no need to do formalities you are perfect the way you are okay.

Y/N: okay bye Si - sorry j-jungkook
And get ready you have meeting in half an hour.

Jungkook: oh I totally forgot about it thank you.

Y/N: don't say thank you jungkook we are friends now okay.
( I said imitating jungkook he looks cute when he gets annoyed like a bunny .)

Jungkook: oh so now you are telling my dialogue to me huh very smart.

Y/N: you can say that okay bye now. ( then I left his cabin and started my left over work.)

Jungkook: so cute she is how am I going to resist her cuteness.

Jungkook's pov
I checked all the CCTV camera's to find out who is the one who made my Y/N cry. After a while I saw the employee on table 4 was giving file to Y/N and he touched her hand inapropriately and she yanked his hand away and went in a hallway and started crying seeing this my blood started boiling and I couldn't control myself but I can't anything in office I have to wait he is gone now.

Jungkook: Hello reception.

Receptionist: y- yes sir.

Jungkook: send employee on table number 4 in my cabin NOW.

Receptionist: o- okay sir.

Receptionist's pov
He may be so angry that employee is gone now may he rest in peace.

( Author's pov
  You all may think that why the    receptionist is saying all this but the reason is that jungkook is having anger issues in this ff and the outer world doesn't know his real Identity. But she is telling all this because she has saw him getting angry on employees. )

Employee's pov
I was called by the CEO so I went in front of his cabin and knocked .
He then answered to come in.

Employee: Good morning sir you called me any work.

Jungkook's pov
Seeing him in front of me I wanted to shoot him right here but ( control jungkook control)

Jungkook: you are fired.

Employee: why? What did I do to get fired?

Jungkook: you misbehaved with my new secretary Y/N.

Employee: oh so she told you this but I didn't do anything she is lying trust me .

Jungkook: so are you telling the truth.

Employee: yes I am telling the truth she is lying.

Jungkook: are you sure ?

Employee: yes sir

Jungkook: then what about this I saw the CCTV footage now don't lie.

Employee: oh so you know the truth.

Jungkook: huh what so you mean?

Employee: Sir she is so hot and tempting that I couldn't control myself but I didn't do anything wrong I just touched her .

Jungkook: this is the biggest mistake you made in your life you are going to regret it .

Employee: oh I am so scared what you will do huh you can do nothing except firing me from this job so what are you waiting for fire me.

Jungkook: you are fired now get out and don't ever dare to came near this building and my new secretary. NOW GET OUT FROM HERE.

Employee: okay bye sir have a nice day.

Jungkook's pov
He dis the mistake and than to lied in front of me and said bad things about my princess he is gone now just wait and watch you BASTARD.

* Hope you all enjoyed the 5th chapter do vote and comment plz at least vote for me because of updating regularly without any day missing

Have good day you all
Bye guys love you all*

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