part #3

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Jungkook's pov
I was continuously looking
at her I could feel that she was nervous but who is she? And
What is she doing here?

Jungkook: Who are you?and
What are you doing here?

Y/N 's pov
I was very nervous about the interview already but his looks
Are making me more nervous.
I think he is very strict.

( Author's pov
     I want to tell you that in this
     FF y/ n is very innocent and
     And doesn't take anyone in
     a wrong way .  Let's continue)

Y/N: A-actually MR jeon
  my name is Y/N and I am here for a job interview as a secretary.

Jungkook: ( such a sweet voice
She has )  Ohhh so Ms Y/N why do
You need this job.

Y/N: I- i w- was looking for a job because I need m- money for my brother's school fees and daily maintenance then I saw newspaper in which I saw that you need a new secretary.

Jungkook: ooh so you can join from tomorrow. And next time be
On time I hate late comers.( I shouldn't be rude to her she must
Get scared from me )

Y/N: okay s-sir sorry for coming late.

Jungkook: you may go now.

Y/N:S-sir sorry for asking but
Can I join from today.

Jungkook: As you wish if you want to join from today than go to first
Floor Manager 's office he will tell
You about what you have to do.

Y/N: Thank you so much sir. Have a nice day.( sweet smile )

Jungkook: Sure.( smiled slightly)

Jungkook' s pov
What the fuck .Did I just smiled
But why? Do I really love her ?

Y/N 's pov
I left the cabin and headed towards the elevator for going to
First floor.i was about to reach
The elevator when it started to get
Closed but suddenly a vieny hand stopped it ( Author's pov any guesses who is that veiny hand guy ) the door opened I entered inside the elevator and saw a tall
Handsome man I think in 20's and then the door closed.There was a pin drop silence so thought to break it.

Y/N: Hi my name is y/n.

Taehyung 's pov
I was in the elevator when a lady
Was coming towards it but the door was getting closed so I stopped it for her after a while she spoke.

Taehyung: Hello my name is Kim
Taehyung. I work in this company
From the start but didn't saw you
Are you new here.

Y/N: Oh yes actually I joined from today I am the new secretary of the CEO Mr jeon.

Taehyung: Oh best of luck for the
First day but where are you going ?

Y/N: I am going to the Manager's
Office for understanding my work.

Y/N 's pov
I was talking with taehyung when
The elevator door opens .

Y/N: so I will be going now have a
Nice day.

Taehyung: same to you.

Taehyung 's pov
As she go out from the elevator I
Thought to go to jungkook 's cabin
So I started going to 2nd floor.

Y/N 's pov
I came out from elevator and went to Manager 's cabin and saw jimin sitting on the chair over there.

Y/N: Hi

Jimin's pov
I was working on the laptop when I heard Y/N 's voice I saw up only to find y/n in my cabin.

Jimin: Hello nice to meet you again.

Y/N: nice to meet you to I am so happy Mr park I got the job Mr jeon send me here to understand the work.

Jimin: I am so happy for you too
y/n but don't call me Mr Park in personal you can call me jimin
But call me Mr Park in front of

Y/N: O-okay.

* Hello everyone hope you all enjoyed the 3rd chapter  and
Do vote and comment I would love to read your thoughts about
This story as well as some suggestions

I want to tell that Jungkook, taehyung and jimin have different
Names in Mafia world and those are

Jungkook: JK ( Leader)
Taehyung: V ( Hacker )
Jimin: Mochi ( planner )

I know that everyone must be thinking that why I haven't used a single picture till now it is because I am a little bored to use it anyway you all already know all the characters very well that's you are reading this ff otherwise you won't read it but I would like to know if you want pictures or not do comment.

Stay healthy and enjoy the weekends.

Bye you all love you*

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