part #6

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Y/N 's pov
I finished all work for today the office time is till 8pm but I am leaving at 7pm as it was my first day I enjoyed it did all my work with compassion now I am leaving for home so I thought to tell jungkook once .what if he has some work with me?

Jungkook: Taehyung is everything ready I want that bastard in my basement today night.

Taehyung: yes everything is ready and he is already in our basement tied up in a  chair but he is unconscious for now.

Jungkook: Now he will see the real hell the worst nightmare of his life he will scream in pain and die but no one will help him.( laughs maniacally).

Taehyung: okay so I will be going home now if you need any help than call me and also go your home early .

Jungkook: okay i will be leaving in an hour thanks for your help buddy.

Taehyung: you are most welcome Mr jeon byeee.( taehyung teases jungkook and then leaves).

Y/N: sir may I come in.

Jungkook's pov
As soon as I hear y/n's voice my face lits up just her presence is enough for me to calm down she is a real angel .

Jungkook: come in.( Y/N entered inside his cabin).

Y/N: jungkook I am leaving for home is that anything you want.

Jungkook: you ( said slowly)

Y/N: did you said anything?

Jungkook: n-no I said no did you hear something else.( gosh she didn't heard me. What are you doing jeon jungkook you will get caught).

Y/N: so shall I leave.

Jungkook: NO!!

Y/N: why?

Jungkook: because I am going home to I can give you a lift.( Author's pov
  Taehyung went but he stayed      now Y/N is going now and he is giving lift.  " LADKI KA CHAKKAR BABU BHAIYAA!!").

Y/N: no it's okay I can go by myself you don't need to take any trouble.

Jungkook: there's no trouble in it then to I am leaving for home.

Y/N : Okay if you say so

Jungkook: than shall we leave .

Y/N: yeah sure.

Y/N's pov
We went in the parking lot he was taking his car out . He then came with his car I sat in the back seat.

Jungkook's pov
I brought the car but Y/N sat at the back seat but I wanted her to sit in the front seat .

Y/N: Is something wrong. why aren't you starting the car?

Jungkook: nothing is wrong the thing is that am I your driver Ms Y/N or friend.

Y/N: you are my f-friend.

Jungkook: then why are you sitting at the back sit in front.

Y/N: ooh actually I didn't sat in front seat with someone before soo.( cutted by jungkook )

Jungkook: it's okay now come in front.

Y/N: okay ( smiling happily).

Jungkook 's pov
Finally she came in front now I can admire her from my (bombastic sideeyeee)but I noticed her smiling so I wanted to ask her why is she smiling so I asked her.

Jungkook: Why are you smiling like an idiot!.

Y/N: actually I never sat in front with anyone so I am really excited to see the outter view from the window.

Jungkook's pov
She is so childish and cute how am I gonna do bad things on bed.

Jungkook: okay now tell me your address.

Y/N: xxx place

Jungkook: okay enjoy your ride queen.

Y/N: thank you dear king.( both giggled at each other's stupidity).

Y/N's pov
The ride was so silent and awkward so I was about to speak something but jungkook started first.

Jungkook: Y/N what are your parents doing?

Y/N: I don't have parents.

Jungkook: oh I am so sorry I didn't  ( cutted by Y/N).

Y/N: don't say sorry it's not your fault but I have a brother he is of 10 years and goes to school.By the way What are your parents doing.

Jungkook: I too don't have parents.

Y/N: ooh wasn't it hard for you living alone and becoming the most successful businessman in whole Seoul.

Jungkook: I wasn't alone from the start I had parents but they died 4 years ago in building because of fire.

Y/N: mee too. I mean I also  lost my parents four years ago in a building because of fire.

Jungkook: WHAT !! ( I was left shocked because of what Y/N had said now how can it be true the building which got fire where my and her parents died was 4 years ago a venue for biggest mafia party of the world and KAI's father intentionally put fire on it so that everyone dies and he becomes the number 1 mafia in the world but he also died in that fire and his son kai thought that it was because of my dad and became mafia to take revenge on me .
*If her parents were present that night there that means she is a  daughter of any mafia but what if she is acting* )

Author's pov
* hope you all enjoyed part 6 and do vote and comment what do you think about Y/N is she really the daughter of any mafia family and she doesn't know or she knows everything and is acting

stay healthy bye guys
Love you all*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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