Opening ceremony preparations

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Our ride to the Capitol was fairly short, lasting a little over an hour. During that time, we met our mentors, Brutus and Enobaria.
"When we get to the Capitol, I want you two to go and look out the window. There will be hundreds of Capitol citizens waiting to get a glimpse of you. Try to be as presentable. Smile. Wave. Act like your happy to be here."
  "Why?" Valerian asked with a scoff. "Being friendly isn't exactly my forte."
"Because, it will be more appealing to sponsors." Enobaria stated rather curtly.
"Not that they really need to convince anyone to sponsor them." Brutus said with a sly grin on his face.
"Why is that?" I ask.
"I mean look at you- you guys are built like, I don't know, gorillas! And you're from district two which gives you an immediate advantage. You two are going to get sponsors no matter what."  Brutus said.
  "That's true- but you still want to play the social game as much as possible." Enobaria said, crossing her arms. We continue to make small talk until the train started to slow down.
  I immediately stand up and walk over to the window where I see us pulling into the Capitol. I had never imagined anything like this could exist. Then I see the crowd of Capitol citizens just waiting to get a glimpse of this year's tributes. I smile as wide as I can and start waving to the crowd, taking Enobaria's advice. For a moment I turn my head back to the others. "Valerian, come on!" I urge. He rolls his eyes and joins me at the window. He refuses to smile but he gives a few meager waves here and there.
After the train stopped, we were quickly escorted from the train into the training center where we would stay until the games started. Once we entered Valerian and I were  quickly escorted into an elevator by Gordion. He pressed the button for the second floor. We arrived shortly thereafter. Gordion told us we were free to wander the floor as we pleased. Valerian and I both went into our rooms. I decided to take a nap before dinner. When I awoke I heard talking from outside. I stood up, still groggy. I walk out of my room to see Valerian, Gordion, Brutus and Enobaria sitting at the dinner table.
"Look who finally decided to join us!" Brutus said. I roll my eyes. I take a seat at the table and begin filling my plate with as many types of foods as I can.
"I was just telling Valerian, but I might as well tell you. Tomorrow morning at 10:30 you are going to meet your stylists. They're going to spend some time making you look pretty, and after that is the opening ceremony." Enobaria stated.
"Alright." I said with a nod. I spent the rest of the meal without saying a word. After I finished dinner I sulked back to my room. I strip down and get into the shower. I get lost in the my thoughts as warm repeatedly hits my body. Finally I decide to get out. I wrap a towel around my body and walk into my bedroom. I open the middle cabinet of my dresser and pull out a linen nightgown that falls to my ankles. I pull it over my head and crawl under the covers and fall asleep instantly.
  When I awoke the next morning, I barely had time to change before I was escorted down into a small room in the base floor. I wait awkwardly before a young man bursts through the door.
"Y/n! It is delightful to meet you! My name is Atlas Delacroix, but please, call me Atlas. I will be part of your prep team for the duration of your stay. Unfortunately, Isadora and Soliana are unable to join us, so it will just be us I suppose." Atlas says excitedly. For the next half hour or so, every strand of hair on my body except for my head was shaved off.
"Alright! I think it's time we send Thaddeus in!" Atlas announced in an exhilarated voice, clapping his hands like a chid would. Without another word from either of us, he rushed out the door, leaving me alone. I sat alone in the cold, lonesome room.
Suddenly the door opened. I jumped slightly. I turn to see a man standing in the doorway. He looked hideous. He had a maroon dress shirt on, a bright red bow tie and a neon pink trench coat and a matching pair of pants.
"Y/n! It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Thaddeus, I am your stylist. I'm here to make you look as pretty as possible for all your public appearances until you enter the games."
If he's my stylist I guess I'm fucked I thought.
  Thaddeus helped me into my outfit for the opening ceremony. When I looked in the mirror, I had to admit he outdid himself with this outfit. I wore a tight fitting jumpsuit of charcoal grey. The fabric resembled the textured stone. Around the hems were embroidered weapons made out of delicate metallic thread. A thick leather belt was around my waist. The clasp held district two's insignia it. It had similar embroidery to the jumpsuit. My shoulders were padded with smooth metallic slabs of thin metal. Attached to my abdomen was the blade of a cutlass. The tip which was caked with dried blood was extending dangerously close to my head. I slip on the pair of silver boots that Thaddeus provided.
"You look beautiful." Thaddeus said scanning my body to marvel at his creation.
"Thank you." I respond meekly.
He turns to leave. Before he leaves, he turns back to me and says "Atlas will be back in a moment." I just nod.
Just as Thaddeus had said, a few minutes later, Atlas burst through the door. He took a minute to admire me.
"Oh Y/n, you look incredible!" He exclaims.
"Thank you." I respond smiling. He then sits me down to do my hair and makeup. After he finished, I looked in the mirror again. If I thought I looked good before I looked stunning now. My hair was slicked back into a braided bun. My cheekbones looked far more prominent and my eyes smokey and my lips were a wine red. Atlas finally escorted me out where I met Valerian and Gordion. Valerian looked rather handsome in his costume that was identical to mine. Gordion escorted the two of us to across the training center where twelve chariots lead my two horses each sat. Our chariot was second in line. We had two beautiful grey stallions leading our chariot. I looked in-front of us to see the two district one tributes mounting their chariot, so I follow suit, Valerian following behind me. I hear the national anthem start to play and suddenly a wave of fear washes over me. I wrap my arm around Valerian's. I put on my best smile as the chariot in front of us begins lurching forward. Our horses followed suit.

And just like that, my face was on live broadcast to not only the districts, but to the Capitol. To sponsors. To fame.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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