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TL;DR: Ahri

Ahri used to be a fox. But there was something very different about her compared to other foxes she was around. She felt very magical and she didn't feel right in her body. Ahri wanted to be a human.

One day while Ahri was roaming around away from her pack she stumbled across a human battlefield. Actually. Less like a battlefield, more like a graveyard but the bodies weren't buried.

So Ahri looks at all the bodies around her and feels drawn to the certain body of a shady robed guy. We can't really understand what was going through her fox mind but there was this aura around the robed man. I wonder what was going through her head though... Anyway, the next part is pretty cool

The robed guy was still alive and poured the rest of his life essence into Ahri. It poured into her like a shot of whisky, the feeling was intoxicating and overwhelming, yet pleasing.

When this feeling was over Ahri had turned into a human. Her fur was now skin, her short legs were turned into arms and legs like a humans would look. However, the transformation wasn't complete. She was left with fox ears, her tails, and marks on her face where her whiskers used to be, which makes her "Waifu Material" for all you weebs.

Ahri was really hyped to have a human body, and not to mention, a really nice body. But she wanted to be fully human. To do that she became accustomed to human society and lived out of the woods.

Her intent was to lose her ears and her tails, and to bring her closer to losing her foxy features (see what I did there? Foxy... Because she's a fox... and people find that sexy...) she stole the life essences out of young unsuspecting men by first alluring them with her "charms".

In other words she seduced them and took their souls, which is a lot more badass than taking their virginities, even though she probably took both, let's be real...

Whatever she ended up doing to all of those men, she started to feel something that she had never felt before. Regret, a human feeling. As the feeling grew stronger she seeked for help, where she found the Institute of War.

Well, the rest can be described by this. Cited from the Waifu's lore: "They offered to attain her humanity without further harm through service in the League of Legends"

Extended lore:
Ahri becomes our favorite fox woman. Standing at 4800ip, and the wife of the most closeted players in the game. The kind of people who main Yasuo because he looks like an anime character. Yeah, you know those people.

I've been bored and I wrote the next two lores in history class. Oops

Tomorrow/Later Today
TL;DR: Akali, the Fist of the Shadow

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