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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the game mode that just ended some 2-3 weeks ago. Black Market Brawlers, devoted to the Gangplank Rework in patch 5.14.

Before I get into the game mode I'd like to talk about Gangplank as a champion. Gangplank was one of my favorite champions. A champion that got me into the game. And one of the first champions that I ever got fed with, at summoner level 10.

My favorite thing to do on GP was to build 100% crit and one-shot the enemy carries with a Parrrley. However, his other abilities didn't help my adventures with the full Critplank. Other than his w being a QSS and his Raise Morale and old Cannon Barrage helping me get assists, his kit didn't really feel nice.

Seriously... He used to be a part support...

With the GP rework, the QSS part of his Remove Scurvy still existed and scaled with his health missing along with his AP. And his E, previously Raise Morale, turned into an AOE damage monster with no cost in the form of Powder Keg (which could crit and ignores 60% of armor!!)

With minor buffs to his ultimate combined with the Silver Serpent feature of his Parrrley, Gangplank's place in teamfights was more defined than diving the enemy front line in hopes to get a crit gunshot.

The purpose of new Gangplank, at least the way I play him is to separate the enemy team. To zone and initiate with his ult then set up a line of Powder Kegs to shred anybody who would dare walk into the blast radius and win teamfights with that damage or to have the team focus the front line and melt them, then focus the carries.

Gangplank, in the patch 5.15 is a great, fun champion. And I have to say, Riot, you did a good job! With the lores and the back stores from the Icon events and "killing" GP for a moment. All of that was great!

I can't say that much about the exclusive game mode however. Black Market Brawlers was a mess. There was something about walking out of base and being trampled by Brawlers and being forced back into base just by some dude spending his krakens well.

Those things could single handedly win the game, no matter how fed all of my teammates were. Aside from the Brawlers being unreasonably strong, it felt as if AD Melee champions were God's in this mode, especially assassins. I probably won 9 out of the 10 games I played as Nocturne and I'm not even good with the champion!

With doing that well with an auto-attack based assassin I can't imagine how well champions like Yasuo, Zed, or Talon would do with items like Flesheater and Mirage Blade.

But sadly I never saw any of those guys because there was Pick and Ban. Okay, except Talon because nobody plays him anymore, I never saw a Zed or a Yasuo played in this game mode. They were always banned!

Anyway, bottom line is: I like the Gangplank (and MF) rework. But Black Market Brawlers wasn't fun. My rant is over

Next time:
TL;DR: Anivia

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