20.The Reality?

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We were back.

Not from the Water Park, but from our summer vacation. A long vacation break.

Confused? Let me introduce myself again.

Hi, I'm Ash, an eighteen year old girl who loves exploring, painting, drawing, editing and mainly, writing.

So talking about the vacation, we were finally back to our daily routine, school. First day of the new semester begins today.

Here I was in my new class, a small smile across my face, looking around the surrounding, different students, chatting and goofing around, meeting new people and conversing with them.

"Ash!" I turned to that so familiar voice spotting my only best friend, Y/N rushing towards me with that big hearty smile on her beautiful face. I smiled, opening my arms for her and there she throwed herself on me, hugging me ever so tightly, squealing inside my ear.

"Finally! After so long! I missed you so much!!" She rocked our body together, squeezing me further in her arms as I matched her enthusiasm, squeezing her back in my arms feeling the warmth after so long of coming back to school.

"I missed you too!" I said back, both pulling away after that long hug. She was still the same, same exciting eyes, huge smile, everything. It felt good to see her after so long.

"Okay! Tell me about your vacation! How was it?!" She pulled me with her, making our way towards the empty seats, luckily we both were in the same class so that wasn't an issue. Taking a seat, I first removed my back pack as she did the same, both excited to tell about our vacations.

"It was... Exploring? I mean I did many things! Painting, drawing, editing and ofcourse writing! It was fun to say the least" I holded her hand remembering what I've done in this one whole month of vacation. She nodded fastly.

"I'm so glad that atleast they gave us a fun homework! To write frictional story about anything!" That's right, the main homework given to us for our new semester.

To create a fictional story on any topic.

"Which topic did you choose?" Y/N asked and I grinned sheepishly, getting a flashback of all the times I've dived into my story.

"Water World" she widened her eyes, excitement gleaming inside her pretty orbs.

"Whoa! Now I want to read the story!" I laughed nodding.

"I have kind of added your character too.." I informed smiling mischievously at her who seem to be surprised, not expecting that.

"Really?? No way! Cuz I added your character in my story too!" She gasped. I now didn't expected her to do the same.

"No way?! Which topic did you choose?" She smiled widely.

"The Museum" she answered and it was my time to gasp.

"Whoa! Okay! Okay! So we're gonna exchange our script for reading eachothers, okay?!" I ordered and she nodded pleasingly.

Just like that we talked about other things and experiences we had encountered in this vacation. It was amazing how we both shared the same brain cells, writing eachothers character in our stories.

"It's a new start Ash, new semester, turning eighteen is sure nerve wrecking, isn't it?" Y/N spoke smiling dreamily and I sighed, staring out of the class window. Indeed it was a new journey now, knowing we will have different experience and joys, sadness and happiness, new emotions, new people, new classmates, new learnings.

But old best friend; Y/N.

"Hm, I'm glad you're with me though" I admired her face, feeling lucky to have her. She smiled more, looking at me and I know, I can see it in her eyes that she's feeling lucky to have me in her life too.

"Me too, let's see, new semester, maybe we'll be lucky enough to find someone for ourselves?" And we both laughed off, knowing what meaning her statements carries behind.

This was reality. Y/N was just as single as I am. We both were on a mission to be single as long as possible, just because we were least interested in dating anyone.

Best friend goals indeed.

Soon the class was filled with students, few were known faces while others were all new. It was exciting. The assigned teacher soon entered, smiling charismatic to her students. We all greeted her in unison, feeling energetic from inside.

"So welcome all to the new semester! Hope you enjoyed your vacations and have done what had assigned to y'all huh?" She was a goofy person, making everyone laugh as we answered positively, showing much enthusiasm that we did completed what was assigned to us.

Who wouldn't?

"Good! So before we start with our new semester, I would like to introduce you all to a transferred student! Child? Please come in" I and Y/N glanced at eachother, turning back our attention towards the entrance, watching the door opening as the person stepped in, walking near the desk of the teacher.

"Please introduce yourself" she asked kindly and that person finally looked up and freezing me completely.

Those brown eyes, dark brown hairs resting on his forehead, defined jaw, mole under his chin, built frame, tall and lean, having few piercing on his ears, wearing our schools uniform.

It was a hypnotizing, I felt dizzy suddenly, a nightmare?

A scary one.

"Hello everyone..." That voice sended jolts inside my whole body, my eyes wide, staring at this student, not even breathing anymore. His eyes roamed around the class, scanning everyone's face until it stopped at me, sending my heart into spiral.

However, his expressionless face was now twisted into a playful one, an evil smirk tugging over those lips and eyes stuck onto my face, as he introduced himself.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook".

★The End★

Happy Birthday once again to my dearest and lovely best friend, Ash✨💜💜

Hope you liked this smoll present 🤍

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