12.Exploring and fun.

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"Whoa! This is so beautiful! It's an understatement to call it beautiful! It's just.... Wow!" My mouth was open from the start and I wasn't planning to close it anytime soon, everytime getting to see so many beautiful things in the Castle itself.

It was like a dream which I don't want to escape now. I'm sure the others were all enjoying my reaction, hearing them laughing and chuckling behind me, giggling and passing comments which I don't mind because I was awestruck by the view in front of my eyes.

I just wondered, if the Castle is this wonderful and majestic, than what is out of this place? What would be my reaction after witnessing different water bodies which I'm sure I've not even seen in my dreams. If Mermans exist, then it was obvious that aliens do to- I mean in the sea water.

We were in a open chamber like place, having different types of monuments arranged there, Namjoon being the instructor of how they found such thing and how they themselves decorated them with pearls and other small water bodies. They felt like I was entering an art gallery, having different artist collection here.

"You all decorated these yourself?" I asked walking close to one of the old monument, having sea sponges attached to it's head, suiting it completely. There were little stones attached everywhere near it's body making it shine grabbing my attention more.

"Yes! Well not everyone, Gukie likes to decorate them in his leisure time, we just help him" Hobi was the one to answer me as I was again left impressed, turning my head to Gukie who was already looking at me but looked away right away making me chuckle.

"That's impressive! You know, you should try painting too, I love painting too!" I suggested with my shining eyes, missing my drawing times in my world. No doubt I love drawing and painting alot, may it be sketches or colouring, or decoration of anything, I like doing them alot.

"Oh Gukie can try it, right!" Taehyung circled his arm around Gukie, excited openly. I nodded too turning back my attention to the monument, scanning it's every bit, in awe to see such a thing for the first time. My fingers trailed up to those pearls which were stuck around the face, only to realise those pearls were actually hiding the cracks on the face.

As I looked upon it closely, I was left speechless realising that not only the face had cracks, the whole monument was imperfect, cracked and hollows on its body but all the stones and pearls were covering it pretty well, between those tiny stones, some tiny flowers were planted as well giving it a more beautiful look.

The chest was covered with tiny flowers and in between them, where our heart is situated, it was all covered with pearls. My mind was strucked by it, just staring at that place, not ignoring the cracks it had around. My fingers caressed that place softly, scared if I was to put any pressure on it, it will break again.

"This sure counts as a masterpiece in my world.." I whispered under my breath, scanning the whole structure again, not able to take my eyes off from it.

"What inspired you to decorate it in such a way though?" I turned to Gukie, curious to know what were his thoughts on this. Others were all gathered somewhere else, talking about other monuments. Gukie shrugged walking near me before looking at the monument with his eyes staring blankly at it.

"It was broken completely..." He answered slowly, voice soft, eyes scanning his work as if he know exactly what he had been through while decorating it. My mouth formed an 'oh' shape, nodding and staring at it, also trying to look at it with his eyes and thoughts.

"What are your thoughts on this Ash?" He suddenly asked and I smiled small.

"I think it's beautiful. The way you tried hiding the cracks with these stones, flowers and pearls... It shows how we can heal, how one can overcome the cracks in their heart. That there are many beautiful things out there... But it also conveys how a person can decorate your broken heart with their pearls, their smiles and heart warming nature. How one can make ones heart bloom, take their hand and pull them out of the unending darkness, telling them that there is always a new day ahead... Can not only make their lips smile but also their heart... Yes! I think this is not just a simple decoration, it feels as if you were hiding your pain and feelings... That's what my thoughts are.." I kept on speaking having a simple smile, getting surprised within at how I was able to read it all out, as if the words rolled out of my heart and not just my tongue.

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