The world after the fall

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I didn't realize I lost consciousness. I just got so used to the silence. My memories of my past life have already started fading. But now, finally. A voice has shaken this silence. "Roxanne. Please save me." I have heard this voice before. Now I remember. I'm here because I made a contract with that human girl. Alright. It's time to fulfill her wish.

I open my eyes slightly as I hear noises. I slowly come to a seated position and take in my surroundings. I'm in a pitch-black room. The air is suffocating, and I hear several voices shouting. My head suddenly starts hurting as I hear another clearer voice inside of my head: "Please stop it. It is too loud. I am scared. They might kill me if I fall asleep. I don't want to die in a place like this. Please just let me breathe in peace only once!" But of course! This is one of Roses memories. And if I'm judging correctly, then this must be her room... and her body. I have become her. How do I turn on the lights? Are there no candles? Well, for now, opening the door might help. As I open it, bright sunlight falls on my face. The fact that Rose had to darken her windows and lock the door to her room... she must have had real issues falling asleep. I feel heavy slowly going towards what seems to be the kitchen. An old man and a woman are standing there, screaming at each other. Those must be her parents. Good thing they don't pay much attention to me as I keep going through the rooms one by one and finally stop in front of a whole body mirror. So this is what she looks like. It's somewhat similar to my past self. Pretty tall, dark eyes and hair, intense female features, extremely white skin. White skin... it reminds me of Evia. Since I had died first, I don't really know what happened to all of them. But if Rose fulfilled her part of the contract, then they must have turned into mortals and passed on to the afterlife. Maybe we'll meet again someday? Then, I would apologize for killing them. It was necessary in order to save them. I sigh. It's nothing I can control right now. First, I need to understand the situation Rose is in so that I know what exactly to do with this body. In the end, I might end up dying in peace and hoping to never reincarnate. I just want to become nothing. I want to free myself from these chains. Even though I have paid for my sins and far more than that... fate won't leave me alone after all. I go back to my room, still in thought as I get interrupted by Roses mother: "What attitude is that, Rose?  Do you dare look down on your parents as much as to ignore them? Where are your greetings? Aren't you grateful we even let you sleep?" The last sentence triggered something in me. Pardon? I try to recall her parents' relationship to Rose. Im not used to being the obedient one after all. No wonder Rose was so restless. She had to fear being abused by her parents or killed by her siblings at night. It feels like gambling without anything to win. However... me and Rose. In that case, we are definitely the same. My childhood might not have been that different. It's just that one word that has kept me acting and surviving. Enduring. Endure until you can watch them burn. Rose... it seems that your chains are still so heavy. Let me make them lighter for you. However, in order to free ourselves, we need to survive first. I turn to face my mother. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt you. I wish you a pleasant morning. Today, as always, I love you very much and hope to make you proud with all my might." 'My' mother seemed surprised. "So you've finally gotten rid of your foolish pride? I had already given up on teaching you manners. Regardless. Make sure you don't forget them next time." And their arguing continued as I got back into my room. Roses' memories helped me search up for the information I was seeking from the internet. After almost an hour, I finally found some valid kinda information. I start reading: "The inofficial era of villains. An urban legend called the red blade explained." Urban legend? My ass. Say that to all the lives I had taken that gave me the title of the red blade. I continue my research. "It is said that over 1300 years ago, there were angels on earth. They existed only to be used by humans and thrown away later. As the angels started turning their back on humanity and started despising fate, they became monstrous creatures. They were called demons. They lived guided by their desires only. They were a courageous and powerful mirror to humanity. However, humanity saw the opportunity to make themselves out as heros by fighting against the demons. Because fate favored the humans, it never intended to let the demons win this fight. The red blade, who was later given the title of demon queen, was a savior to demons but a nightmare to humans. She massacred one-third of the population on earth in brutal ways. And burned down everything. She disappeared during the final war, taking all the demons' motivation and will to live with her.
Rumors have it that the demon king was responsible for all of the demons' disappearance. Since everything related to those supernatural beings vanished, the reality remains a myth. 10 years later, a woman appeared out of the blue, pleading guilty as one of the assasins, working for the demonic organization called "Kallistine City." Proof for the existence of that town is the legendary castle surrounded by cherry blossom that seems to bloom even during winter. The assasin was sentenced to death publicly. Her last moments consisted of a disturbing smile and the mysterious words: 'Hey Trophy, do you know what I realized? When you saved me from drowning, but now I'm hanging... and you seemed to have drowned as well. But those who are destined to be hanged are not gonna drown.' She was hanged afterward. Her smiling corpse was burned. She had left the world with mysteries." I pause. This name... "Trophy." There is only one person who called me that. The assasin from Kallistine. It was Miya. This makes sense. Because she turned into a human before the demons disappeared, she survived it. And the fact that she came back 10 years later... this means she was making sure the story was told. She knew I would reincarnate, so this was her last gift to me. Miya. My beloved mentor and the person who helped me survive in the first place. That crazy psychopath who was loyal beyond the sky until the very end...
I smile while thinking about her. "Good job, supreme killer!" Now I need to get some shit done. Since I am not allowed to die yet, let's see who I can make my new toy.

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