Hell's paradise

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Felix is Tristan, and Tristan is my enemy... or well, something that represents fate. Simply put, he has the powers of a God. How do you win a fight against God? As a mere human at that? I'll first need to identify my goal. His weakness... if I am not wrong, he has actually handicapped himself. Because he made all curses and magic vanish in the past... I don't think he is able to break his own rules. Why else would he allow Dorian to come to this era? That would explain why he didn't just kill Elias with his powers. Wingless is most likely secretly backing him up. If I destroy them... I should be about even with him. Well, despite his physical advantages. If I take his head... will that finally set me free? Will he actually stop haunting me? Can I actually kill a God? This is self-doubt again. If Elias couldn't do it. Why would I think that I can? But I frankly don't even have another mission on earth. And since that bastard wants to take away my freedom... I'll make sure to kill him in the most painful way possible. Maybe even that would be too generous. Lisa and I arrive in Leipzig, and my days start again with the same routines I used in order to get here... just ten times stronger. I push myself harder at my daily power stretching. Switch from concentrated martial arts to mma. Run twice as much every day. Meditate twice as long. Lift twice as heavy at the gym and train my combat skills with weapons. That last part... I'm sure Dion would be of better help for this. Before I can think otherwise I take my phone and call him. The worst he can do is reject me. I ask him to show me the use of weapons through several video calls. To my surprise he agrees without objections. My days are packed with soreness after soreness, and I hardly manage to get in enough food to build the necessary strength. But it is all I can do. Truthfully. And it will all come down to this. How strong, fast, and sharp I am. My endurance and, of course, my allies. I'd never make the mistake of measuring my power through others. I will rely on my own strength whenever I can. However, when even that fails... I hope for once I'll be caught when I fall. I'm gonna fight Tristan. After a couple of tiring weeks, the grand night has come. I came to Berlin already early in the morning. Wingless is united in a place I don't recognize. My spies have done a great job at taking pics and getting information. I wait in a nearby building. From afar, I see them standing there... and I recognize Tristan instantly even from a mile away. He just feels different than the rest. I get a message from Dion: "Waiting for your sign." I slowly leave my hideout and approach the group. Tristan immediately notices me. The other gazes follow. Some of their members start whispering. I walk until I stand in front of Tristan. "Roxanne... what are you doing here?" My eyes rest calmly on his. "I was searching for you. But what about these guys over there?" I answer. He pauses, then pulls me closer to him and whispers. "Is that important? I am here. That is all that should matter to you." I smirk now. "Then, listen carefully." I push him away and create distance. "Leader of Wingless, I've come tonight for your head. Prepare to be defeated!"
The men behind Tristan begin laughing as if they can't believe what I just said. This instant, their leader smashes one of the laughing member's head into the ground. Everyone immediately shuts up. His expression darkens, and his voice becomes threatening: "That silver haired psycho told you that?" I nod. "So you lied to me, stating that he's dead?" I smirk. "No. He told me despite being dead. You see, we're in the 21st century now. There are certainly ways to make that happen... however, I am ashamed to admit that I believed him to be the real enemy until his death. In reality... you put me through this hell... over and over again. Trying to take away my freedom." He clenches his teeth and forms a terrifying smile with wide opened eyes. "Roxanne, you keep misunderstanding me. You are not meant to just live freely and vanish. You can not win against the likes of mine, so I wanted to put you back into the role you are supposed to play." Yes... once again... the humans are the heroes. Those who want to be free are the villains. It has always been like that since the beginning. It's a fight about principles. Whoever is right or wrong... that will be determined only hundreds of years later. The winners write history. The losers are wiped from it. "Tristan Coulter... Roxanne doesn't take negotiations from the likes of you. Neither does Rose. And me, Libertia won't either. So everyone who wants to fight for their freedom stand by my side. Now!" Dion appears close to me in an instant. And suddenly more and more armed people come up to us. All those members from Black Royal... it looks like everyone came. Dion lays one hand on my shoulder. "They all have seen you train and your seriousness. They've decided to trust Big Brother's choice. In this fight, Black Royal will follow you to victory. Don't disappoint us!" A wave of relief overcomes me as I see the amount of maniacs with grins on their faces and an immense bloodlust looking at me with respect.  I turn to face Tristan again, who blinks a couple of times. "You lied to me." He states. I just shrug my shoulders as an answer. "Ever since the beginning, I've not trusted you with an inch of my being. The moment I found out you were a member of the revolutionary army back then. I knew whoever betrays me once will do so another time." I turn to face my supporters. "Let's fight these people until not even their bones will remain!" I get enthusiastic screams as an answer before hell's paradise is created in the middle of Berlin.

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