Teach him a lesson

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Marty got a leather coat, glasses, and a hat. Something very not inconspicuous. Alex was wearing a white blouse, black jeans, and also a leather jacket. Her look fit in more than Marty's did.

"Doc, come in Doc, this is Marty, over." Marty talked into the walkie-talkie.

"Roger Marty, this is Doc. Are you there?"

Alex looked through the binoculars. She was looking at a house, filled with garden ornaments, and a sign that said No trespassers, violators will be prosecuted.

"Yeah, we're at the address. It is the only Tannen in the book. I don't think Biff lives here though. It looks like some old lady lives here." Alex said.

Then to prove Alex wrong, Biff left the house. But to prove Alex right as well, the voice of Grandma Tannen can be heard.



"Where are you going Biff?"

"I'm going to get my car Grandma!"

"When are you coming back? My feet hurt, and I want you to rub my toes some more."

"Shut up you old bag." Biff said to himself.

Biff walked a few yards down the street when a red ball landed at his feet. He picked it up, and 5 kids come along to him.

"Give us our ball back!"

"What ball?"

"That ball!"

"What ball are you talking about?"

"Give us our ball back!"

"Oh, is this your ball?"


Marty and Alex crouched behind a car to avoid being seen.

"Is this your ball, you want it back?"


He threw it into a gutter on a house.

"Well go get it! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Biff walked off.

"Doc, it is Biff's house, We're on him. Over." Marty said.

Biff walked down the street. Marty and Alex followed, hiding behind cars. They were not seen by Biff. Biff walked between some kids throwing a ball around.

Biff walked over to his car, where Terry the mechanic had fixed it. "Looking good Terry."

"Hey Biff, she's all fixed up just like you wanted, but I couldn't get it started! You got some kind of kill switch on this thing?" Terry asked.

"No, you just got to have the right touch. Nobody can start this car but me."

"The bill comes to $302 and 57 cents."

"300 bucks? He got out of the car. "300 bucks for a couple of dents? No, hey, that's bullshit Terry."

"No Biff, it was horseshit, the whole car was filled with it. I had to pay Old Man Jones 80 bucks to haul it away!"

"Old Man Jones? He probably resold it too! Now I ought to get something for that."

"Want to get something for it? Well, go inside, you can call Old Man Jones and if you want us to give you a refund."

"It's 300 bucks Terry! If I catch the guy who caused this, I'll break his neck!"

(Marty and Alex got into the back of the car unseen and covered themselves with a sheet.

"4 cans for a $300 job?"

Destiny Future Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now