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Alex and Marty recapped the day's events to Doc as they flew back to the Lyon Estates.

"I dropped sandbags on Biff's friends heads, which was cathartic, we left the gym, then Biff caught up to us." Alex stated.

"Our other selves knocked me out, and Biff grabbed the book from my pocket." Marty added.

"Then I was fed up, so I kicked him, he collapsed, and I took the book back." Alex finished.

"Well good thing both of you were there. Or else we would have had an even bigger problem." Doc said.

'Yeah." Alex replied. "Like being sent on a chase around town."

Marty laughed. "I'm glad you were there."

The DeLorean flied to the Lyon estates billboard.

"I'm going to let you two down, so you can burn that damn book." Doc said, lowering the DeLorean.

Marty and Alex hopped out of the DeLorean. Doc was still hovering in the air.

"God, it's miserable flying weather." Marty said.

Alex spotted an old bucket. She ran over, and put the Almanac in the bucket.

Marty pulled out the matchbox he took from Biff's Pleasure Paradise. He lit a match, and started to burn the book.

He then looked at the match box. "Alex, look at this."

Alex leaned closer. The words on the box started to change from Biff's Pleasure Paradise, to Biff's Auto Dealing.

Marty pulled out a newspaper. The headline change from George Mcfly Murdered, to George McFly Honored.

Marty pulled out the walkie-talkie, as Doc flew back up into the air.

" Doc, Doc, the newspaper changed! Now my father's alive! That means everything's back to normal, right?" Marty asked.

" That's right Marty! It's the ripple effect, the future is back. Now let's go home!" Doc said on his walkie.

"Right!" Alex exclaimed. "Lets get our asses back to the future!"

Lightning struck, bringing down a tree. "GRANDDAD! Are you ok?" Alex asked into the walkie.

"That was a close one, I almost bought the farm!" Doc said.

"Be careful, you don't want to get struck by lightning-" Alex said.

Just as Alex said that, The DeLorean was struck, causing it to spin around and accelerate until it reached 88 miles per hour. With a flash, the DeLorean disappeared.

The blast caused Marty and Alex to fall to the ground.

Marty sat up, shocked. "Doc? Doc? Doc, come in Doc. Doc, do you read me? Do you read me Doc? Come in Doc!"

Alex sat up, tears welling in her eyes. She ran over to the pennant, which had been attached to the DeLorean. It landed on the ground. "No! No, no, no."

Marty ran over.

"He's gone." Alex said, her voice shaking.

Marty wrapped his arms around her, and she collapsed into him. Crying.

"ARE YOU MARTY MCFLY AND ALEX BROWN!" A voice yelled from behind them.

Marty and Alex turned, and to look at the man. He was wearing a hat, and a trench coat. Looking very mysterious.

"Huh?" Marty asked.

"Are your names Marty McFly, and Alex Brown?" The man asked.

"Yeah?" Alex sniffled.

"I've got something for you two. A letter." He pulled the letter out.

"A letter? For us? Thats impossible." Marty said.

"Who the hell are you?" Alex asked.

"Western Union. Actually a bunch of us guys at the office were kinda hoping maybe you could shed some light on the subject. You see, we've had that envelope in our possession for the past 70 years."

Alex began opening the letter. "It was given to us with the explicit instructions that it be delivered to a young man and woman with your descriptions." He got his umbrella out. Answering to the name of Marty and Alex, at this exact location, at this exact minute, November 12th 1955. We had a little bet whether this Marty and Alex would actually be here - looks like I lost!" He laughed.

"Did you say 70 years?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, 70 years, 2 months and 12 days to be exact. Here, sign on line 6 please, here you are." He handed Alex a clipboard. She signed.

Alex read the bottom of the letter. It said, Doc Emmett L Brown, September 1st, 1885.

"It's from Granddad!!" Alex exclaimed. "Dear Marty and Alex, if my calculations are correct you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning. First let me assure you that I am alive and well. I've been living happily these past eight months in the year 1885. The lightning bolt-" She stopped reading. "1885?! September 1885!"

"No wait kids, wait a minute, what's this all about?" The man asked.

"He's alive!" Marty gripped onto Alex's shoulders. "The Doc's alive! He's in the old west, but he's alive!"

"Tell me kids, are you all right? Do you need any help?"

"There's only one man who can help." Marty said to the man.

Marty grabbed the hoverboard. "You think this thing can hold two people?"

"We can certainly try." She said.

Marty and Alex hopped on the hoverboard, and rode back into town.

Once they made it back, they had approached 1955 Doc just as the original DeLorean flashed.

"Doc! Doc!" Marty yelled.

"What?" Doc said.

"DOC!" Alex yelled.

Doc turned around to see Marty and Alex. "AHH A GHOST!"

"Relax. It's us! It's us! Alex and Marty!" Alex said.

"No it can't be you... I just sent you back to the future!" Doc said.

"I know, you did send us back. But We're back." Alex said.

"Back from the future!" Marty added.

"Great Scott!" Doc fainted.

Alex and Marty bent down to tend to him.

"Doc. C'mon Doc wake up!" Marty said.

Destiny Future Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now