Blast from the Past

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The saleswoman took the Almanac from the window, and handed it to Marty.

" Now, this has an interesting feature, a dust jacket. Books used to have these to protect the covers, of course that was before they had dust repellent paper. And if you're interested in dust, we have a quaint little piece from the 1980s, it's called a Dustbuster." The saleswoman said.

"We're good, but thanks." Alex said.

The two walked outside the shop. Marty looked at his purchase. Doc arrived in the DeLorean, hovering next to the shop.

"Marty! Alex!" Doc yelled from above.

"I can't lose!" Marty exclaimed.

"Kids! Up here!" Doc yelled again.

Marty and Alex looked up to see Doc.

"Whats going on?" Alex asked.

"Stand by, I'll park over there." Doc said.

Doc parked over on the side of the road. Alex and Marty approached the DeLorean.

"EINSTEIN!" Alex exclaimed, opening the car door, and petting Einstein the dog. "Oh I've missed you."

" I left him in a suspended animation kennel. Einstein never knew I was gone." Doc got out of the car. " What in the name of Sir Isaac H Newton happened here?"

"Our kid showed up, and all hell broke loose." Alex explained.

"Your kid?" Doc asked. "Great Scott! the sleep inducer!" He sat down. "Damn, there mustn't have been enough power left to knock your son out for the full hour."

Marty looked at the newspaper again. "Doc! Look at this, it's changing!"

The newspaper changed from Youth arrested to Gang arrested. The picture of Marty Jr changed to one of Griff and his gang.

"Why yes, yes of course!" Doc looked at Griff with some futuristic binoculars. "Because this hoverboard incident has now occurred, Griff goes to jail. Therefore, your son won't go with him tonight and that robbery will never take place. Thus, history, future history, has now been altered and this is the proof! Marty, we've succeeded, not exactly as I'd planned but no matter. Let's go home!"

Marty put the hoverboard in the DeLorean, and said hi to Einstein. "Hey buddy." He picked up the Almanac, but the book fell out of the bag, and landed at Doc's feet.

"Whats this?" Doc asked.

"Uh, its a souvenir." Marty said.

Doc picked up the book. "50 years of Sports Statistics. Hardly recreational reading material Marty."

"Hey Doc, what's the harm of bringing back, er, a little info on the future? Thought maybe we could place a couple of bets." Marty explained.

"Marty! I didn't invent the time machine for financial gain. The intent here is to gain a clear perception of humanity. Where we've been, where we're going. The pitfalls and the possibilities. The perils and the promise. Perhaps even an answer to that universal question, why?" Doc said.

"Hey Doc, I'm all for that! What's wrong with making a few bucks on the side?"

Alex hit him in the shoulder. He flinched, and rubbed his shoulder after the strike.


"You deserve it." Alex said.

"I'm putting this in the trash." Doc ran over to the alleyway.

Einstein jumped out of the car, and ran down the Alley.

"Einstein!" Alex yelled, running after him.

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