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3rd pov

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3rd pov

"And please welcome our guest for tonight's show, miss Venus Aguilar!" The talked show house announced the two toned hair girls name.

She walked out with a big smile on her face show casing her gapped teeth. She was dressed in a light pink babydoll dress with white shrilly socks and white heels, with her hair up in two pigtails showcasing her iconic two toned hair.

"hi it's so good to see you again, thank you for having me on the show again!" venus exclaimed as she shook the show host hand, then sat down on the couch next to the show hosts desk.

"of course we love having you on the show venus the fans love you." The fans scream in the audience after the show host said that. That caused venus to smile.

"well i love them too and i love you too drew." the tv host, drew smiled at that.

"now let's get on with the show yeah?" drew asked the audience and venus, she nodded excitedly as the audience cheered.

The interview went like so, just drew asking venus questions about any upcoming things and how she was doing.

"you know i'm doing good honestly i love where i'm at right now and just happy to see where life takes me you know?" venus told drew, he nodded at that.

"well venus i wanted to ask if there's been any bands or artists your listening to lately that you really like ? or have inspired you ?" venus made a thinking face for a second then answered the question.

"actually there has been, their band name is tokiohotel and i really just dig their stuff, the lead singer bill has an amazing voice and i like the bassist as well." venus explained with a shy smile on her face.

"ouooo tokiohotel i've heard of them, they're that german boy band right?" drew asked venus.

"yes they are, i just really like they're style you know, it's not something i typical listen to but i don't know i just really like their stuff, i would definitely love to meet them one day though." venus explained, talking with her hands a bit.

"ahh, well who knows maybe you might ?"

"who knows?" venus said as she shrugged her shoulders.

The interview went on with drew asking venus a few more questions then venus performing one of her songs.

"well that's all folks hope you enjoyed tonight's show! make sure to give a big round of applause for venus and check out her new single light shower that comes out in a couple weeks !" drew exclaimed as him and venus waved bye to the viewers on stage and venus blew the camera a kiss as a way of saying goodbye.


"i swear your outfit was so cute on the show v like it was just so you." jade told venus over the phone, venus giggled flattered at jades words.

"well thank you jay, i try you know." her and jade laughed, jade could already see the look on venus's face as she made that comment.

"we'll have you talked to tommy and fleur ? i miss them for real, we needa hang out again." venus asked. Venus, jade, tommy, and fleur have been a friend group since they were in elementary school, they have been with each other forever. Jade and fleur have always had a thing since the group was young, tommy and venus would always third wheel the pair, they would mock jade and fleur acting like them.

"yeah, umm i talked to fleur, they just been kinda busy you know, but who was that band you were talking about in your interview?" jade asked her best friend, venus was a bit shocked at the question, not thinking her best friend would ask her that.

"oh they're just a new band i been listening to you know j." venus said trying to brush the topic off a bit.

"yeahhh, well i gotta go v, talk to you later, or well see you tomorrow."

"okay j bye love you, kisses." venus said as she hung up the phone, she stood up from the couch in the green room and headed out the door.

'i wonder if he'll see...'


730 words(the melanie used in this will be the melanie with blonde and black hair jus so you know, i may use vids with her having a different color but just imagine it's blonde pls

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730 words
(the melanie used in this will be the melanie with blonde and black hair jus so you know, i may use vids with her having a different color but just imagine it's blonde pls. I'm so excited for this story and the updates will be slow cuz i have two other stories!)

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