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Venus's hands flew up to her mouth in a shocked way, at first she felt scared, then shocked, then happy. She smiled as she saw some other close friends of hers and family as well. She smiled so big her cheeks felt like they were starting to hurt.

"guyyysss, you didn't have to do this all for me." venus said smiling upside down. She heard chuckling go around the room.

"well the surprises aren't over just yet." jade said teasingly while grinning at venus, venus quirked a brow, wondering what else her best friend could have in store for her. Jade pointed venus to look to her left where she saw people she never expected to be at her party.

Tokio hotel.

Venus felt her heart start to race and her voice caught in her throat, but then she realized they were real and smiled. Bill was the first one to go up to her, he ran up to her and gave her a big hug, venus hugging him back.

"ohhh, happy birthday venus, surprise, also i love your music." bill said to venus in an excited tone, venus felt herself smile even wider if possible at that compliment.

"what! i never thought my music would be like your taste ?" venus said to the boy, bill gasped at that and immediately pulled away from the girl, holding her shoulders.

"WHAT, v i absolutely love your music." bill said with a shocked face, that caused violet to giggle, then bill joined in on it as well.

"well you certainly have good taste, i love your music as well." venus told bill with a soft smile. She heard some one clear their throat from behind bill and saw all the other boys softly smiling at her. She gasped and that caused bill to turn around and snap out of his

"Oh venus, this is the rest of tokio hotel, i bet you already know their names and such, georg, gustav, and my brother tom." bill said as he pointed to each boy. Venus nodded and smiled she walked up to gustav first since he was first in the line they were standing in, she gave him a hug that he returned and said happy birthday, did the same with tom as well. Then she stopped in front of georg, she gave him a shy smile, the band didn't know that out of everyone she had a crush on georg and it was massive, Georg returned the smile back, but almost smirking back at her, georg went to hug and wrapped his arm around her lower waist, just above her butt, she wrapped her arms around his neck, she could smell his cologne off of him and she smiled softly feeling her cheeks warm up slightly. She pulled away from him and saw a sly grin on his face.

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