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(not proof read)

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(not proof read)

3rd pov

"Oh em gee. SO YOU JUST GAVE HIM YOUR NUMBER LIKE THAT ?!" jade and fleur exclaim at the same time as venus re-tells them what happened at the party the night before.

"yes, now i just have to wait for a text or a call now, i hope it's soon though." venus said as she stood up, stretching, from her fluffy pink carpet she was laying on before.

"girl he was making googly eyes at you all night, he would be dumb not to call you." jade said laying down on her stomach while leaning on her elbows that held her face up. Fleur nodded her head at that and pointed her finger at venus who had sat down on the chair in front of her vanity.

"when is tommy gonna get here with the food already." venus asked changing the subject as she messed with her hair while looking at herself in the mirror. Jade and Fleur rolled they're eyes at the girl who changed the topic, they could see the faint blush she had on her face after everything that happened.


Venus had basically ran to her phone that was on the other side of her room, and she saw that it was a number she didn't have saved, she immediately thought of georg and prayed it was him, she quickly rushed out the room and into the hallway to answer the phone.

"Hello?" venus answered.

"Hey venus right ? it's georg." Venus started internally screaming at the sound of his voice and smiled, she knew it from the moment he said 'hey' it was him.

"Yeah, yeah it's me, umm how are you ?" she asked.

"I'm good, I just got done with rehearsal with the guys, we have a show in a couple of days, how about you ?"

"Well i'm good, i'm at my friends house just hanging out, waiting for our food." venus said chuckling a little bit towards the end of her sentence; she heard georg chuckle on the other end of the phone which caused her to smile, happy she could make him laugh just the slightest.

There was a bit of silence between the pair before one of them spoke up.

"You wanna come to the show ?"


400 words
(uhhh idk why it's not letting me put the georg gif...🙁)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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